Disclaimer: This is not the work of Miss Ci but of @lethalxseeker, whom is a pretty fierc artists!
What's up y'all, it's ya boi @Lethalxseeker with my entry for #designacharacter
I know you may be wondering why I'm posting this way... It's a long story, don't judge me.
Since I've been a doodle-bug lately, I thought I'd jump in on this contest.
Meet Norah, The Forests Keeper.
She's a 'trans-spirit' [ in the book I'm writing, Dreamscape, trans-spirits are spirits that were originally human / humanoid and died somehow, like Norah for example ]
Norah was running after her friends in one of the forests in Dreamscape, when she slipped down a deep hole... I hope you can see where this is going.
She made a promise to herself that she'd protect and provide to every creature of the forests [ Yup, a self-proclaimed Forests Keeper. ]
The Process
Starting off I did a sketch, but ended up completing the lineart once I realized that I should have taken a picture of the sketch [ I cri evrytiem ]
I tried keeping the colour scheme in mind when I got to the base colouring ~
Noticing that I had already been spending two hours just on the lineart and colouring, I did a really basic shading [ all I did was shade under the neck.
Thank you for reading this post and w0olf for giving me this opportunity!
If you want to join as well, here's the link :
Peace out ✌
Nice art 😉
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I like it but I'm wondering why she has no mouth?
Her lack of a mouth represents how she called out but wasn't heard, she felt like she lacked a voice. Also, most my trans-spirits that felt like they weren't heard or lacked a voice, looses their mouths.
This may sound confusing, that's why I plan on making Spirits my original species [ because they are different from the typical 'spirits' most people think of. ]
Thanks for the compliment though :)
Nice, what a great character! The anatomy is perfect! I like the nature vibe very kewl : )
Ayee! Thanks for the compliments :) I tried my best when it came to the anatomy part lol