** 27 - mei - 2018 **
Daily number of members and several appeals are likely to increase per day.
Salam hormat untuk seluruh anggota tim , kami sangat bangga dan terus mendukung perkembangan komunitas ini.
{ ( Yours sincerely to all team members, we are very proud and continue to support the development of this community. ) }
Hari bahagia untuk semua kita disini.
Happy days for all of us here.
Jumlah anggota saat ini ::
62 anggota
Persyaratan dari kami ::
{ ( Terms from us :: ) }
** " destaSteem " **
bagi setiap anggota wajib satu komentar di setiap postingan @destasteem , @good-darma , @botsteem
jangan mengambil karya orang lain
Penulisan minimal 50-100 kata
untuk saling mendukung postingan seluruh teman kita.
untuk teman semua satu hari satu kali saja memposting, jika lebih bukan kami tidak memperhatikan tapi keterbatasan bedwin voting kita yang membuat kendala .
untuk teman yang baru pemula kami sarankan tolong penggunaan tag,nya yang hati-hati/ jangan salah aturan .
jika menurut kita menggunakan tag orang yang tidak pernah dihargai ** (upvote) ** tinggalkan saja tag tersebut, karena ** destaSteem ** menyediakan tag sendiri , kami melakukan ini demi kenyamanan seluruh tim kita dan mudah untuk kita lihat postingan seluruh kawan - kawan kita yang lainnya. Ini tag yang kita sediakan selain ** eSteem , steemdev yang utama **
( destaSteem , deSta , AcehNanggroe , ) .
** Ini sangat jelas untuk seluruh anggota komunitas kami yang sangat kami hormati.
Jadi sangat jelas kita membuat tag lima jumlah yang kita tambahkan tiga. **
Regards !!!!
** Semoga kita terus tumbuh besar disini **
{ ( ** May we continue to grow big here ** ) }
why the
tag? 😐Sorry, if it's wrong. So what's the best we use, we build small teams, but we do not know how best?
no need to sorry!❤
which tag to use depends on your team. i translated your post and i think you want to start a writing team.
what kind of writing do you want your members to be active in? find a keyword. you have to know what's right for your team.
all i know for sure is that
is for software developers who create apps for Steem but your post is not related to software.😉Thank you, we and our members are playing in eSteem application. But in these few days members reduce posting, I am also confused. Now there is no way out for them to stay as usual. There are only complaints from some members: their less profoundly decreasing even support from the owner of eSteem application.
What do you think I should do in the future ? ....
We've also tried to collect steem from members for the steempower delegation but whatever power we can not continue it.
Please advise ????
you might want to check out this page to find popular tags. don't just check by how much money they make because the more post the tag has, the less chance your post will be seen.
for example:
#life tag is the most popular and best paying tag with 11,805,413.978 SBD payout. however there is 663,937 post created in this category. which means that in average a post would receive 17 SBD. i would not recommend it because your post will get lost between those 600k😐 #adventure tag has "only" 346,035.044 SBD payout for 13,237 posts. that means that in average a post gets 26 SBD. also you have better chance to compete as there is only 13k posts made each week.
of course if your group has nothing to do with #adventure, don't use it. you can find your relevant tag if you spend some time😀
Ya , thanks ,
I am now completely confused how to discuss this medepan on members, all members choose stop posting, and some members move to dtube ..