Laryngitis treatment includes a number of features.
The main condition is the silent regime. Apply mustard on the sternum, mustard foot bath, warm up compress on the neck, drink warm alkaline water (Borjomi type) with milk or without. An important role in the treatment is played by the withdrawal of herbal remedies. Do not wet your throat with hot water, use very hot or very cold dishes. Food should be warm and not cause irritation.
Traditional medicine with laryngitis recommends the following medications:
grated red beets, squeeze the juice. Add the resulting juice (200 ml) 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Apply as mouthwash 3-4 times a day.
in all types of laryngitis, is useful for taking 2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day of dry white wine broth with onions. The grape stew is made from 2 tbsp. l. wine for 1 glass of water. Then add 1 tbsp to the prepared broth. l. fresh onion.
in a glass of milk, boil 1-2 garlic cloves, chill to room temperature and take the whole portion for 30-40 minutes.
in 200 ml of water for 10-15 minutes, boil 1/2 fennel seeds. Strain. Remove the seeds, add to the 1 tbsp broth. l. cognac and 2 tbsp. l. Dear. Boil for 5 minutes. Take 1 December. l. every 30-40 minutes. It means good and fast restore sound, which is very important for singers, teachers, artists.
- in a ratio of 1: 1 grab a banana leaf extract and honey. Boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Store in a cool dark place. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
Prepare collection:
- Three-color violet grass - 5 g Sequence of three parts - 3 g
- Pour mixture 200 ml boiling water, leave for 1 hour, do the inhalation 3-4 times a day.
Prepare collection:
Infusion aurikel - 40 g
Sorrel horse broth - 10 g
Combine, pour 400 ml of boiling water.
Use 50-100 ml per inhalation.
Prepare collection:
Elder Flower - 15 g
Lime flowers - 15 g
Chamomile Flower - 15 g
Mix everything, milled. 20 g collection pour 200 ml boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Use 50 to 100 ml for inhalation.
Prepare the mixture:
- Sage leaf infusion 10 g per 200 ml water
- Herb infus St. John's wort - 5 g per 200 ml of water
- Guelder-rose skin grass - 5 g per 200 ml of water
To mix. ** Use for 50 ml withdrawal. **