Detroit: Become Human is an adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4, released worldwide on 25 May 2018. The plot revolves around three androids: Kara (Valorie Curry), who escapes the owner she was serving to explore her newfound sentience and protect a young girl; Connor (Bryan Dechart), whose job is to hunt down sentient androids; and Markus (Jesse Williams), who devotes himself to releasing other androids from servitude. They may survive or perish depending on dialogue choices that shape the story. Detroit: Become Human is based on Quantic Dream's 2012 technology demonstration Kara; Curry returned to reprise the title role. To research the setting, the developers visited Detroit, Michigan. The script took writer and director David Cage, who consulted artificial intelligence experts, over two years to complete. They built a new engine to complement the game and cast hundreds of actors before commencing the process of shooting and animation. Philip Sheppard, Nima Fakhrara, and John Paesano served as composers for Kara, Connor, and Markus, respectively
Detroit: Become Human was met with generally favourable reviews from critics, who praised the setting, visuals, smaller moments in the story, main characters, their voice actors, the impact choices had on the narrative, and flowchart feature, but criticised the motion controls, mishandling of historical and thematic allegories, and aspects of the plot and characters. The game is Quantic Dream's most successful launch and has sold 1.5 million copies.
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