There can be no simple response to this. Such complex issues. What are the limits of speech? Should there be limits and who decides what those are? What are my own biases? Have I scrubbed from my mind those I learned as a child?
I've been assaulted (no serious harm done) and harassed. The only common denominator of the perpetrators: they were all men.
Yes, you're right, the subject is very complex. Meanwhile I also think it would have been better to write several articles in which everything I say is explained in detail, because not everyone seems to have understood what I am about.
But you have understood the essence: It's about what opinionated reporting does, how dangerous it is. Objectivity is enormously important in order not to endanger people who have nothing to do with it, even entire population groups.
And that way of reporting is in a public context exactly right: No one would think of hating all men after your experience and the neutral report! That you despise the perpetrators, and perhaps your family and friends to whom you reported the attack, too, is an acceptable reaction. But "the whole world" doesn't have to hit them too...
Thanks for your thoughts and your personal example.
Thank you. This blog is so important. Skepticism is a valuable tool--skepticism of others, skepticism of our own perceptions.
One of my favorite lessons when I taught (high school history and government) was 'newspaper day'. I'd bring in a bunch of newspapers and show the kids how different editors chose to present news on front pages of the day. I'd explain that the shaping of public opinion began there, before an article was ever written. What was in a headline? How was it worded? Where was it placed? How large was the print? All of it reflected an editor's view and was intended to shape public opinion. I didn't have to say much. The headlines were the lesson.
So, you see, this blog is a home run for me. You did a good job :)
Very interesting that the teaching methods regarding objective reporting in the USA are the same as in Germany. Yes, I can judge that well, because I am a teacher myself. German teacher. German German teaching teacher?! Well, you know what I mean... ;-)
Have a merry and peaceful Christmas, my friend!