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RE: 1939

in #deutsch6 months ago

An interesting discussion. I do feel as though most of us are sleepwalking toward cataclysm. I think there is an awareness of that, subliminally, in the popular consciousness and I think the popularity of post-apocalypse movies/shows/books/games is a symptom of that awareness. There is a sense of looming doom, but it is undefined. This is really quite characteristic of human nature. Instances abound in history of populaces being surprised by armies marching into villages and cities. The collapse of currencies surprised people--how many times?-- and yet symptoms were always evident.

In order to get through life, humans live in a state of denial. We distract ourselves because we don't feel capable of defending against forces so great they are beyond comprehension and also in many cases beyond defense (or at least that's the perception).

You catch me at an introspective time in my life, and so you get a philosophical response. Sorry....😇