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RE: Why it is just a Question of Time that HIVE loose the Game of Social-Media on Blockchain! / Warum es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis HIVE das Social-Media Spiel als Blockchain verliert!

in #deutsch5 years ago (edited)

Looks like, you are not chicken. :-)

On of the biggest problem i want to spotlighted, was the less interaction/communication for devine a "Social Media" like Hive.

The next thing I have tryed to highlighted is the inability of heads to recognize and deal with this and other fundamental problems due to being stuck in their bubble.

The third thing you can see in my text is the inability of the little users to perceive and react to all this becouse the copie much more the bigger ones acting than give a own view in the game.

Way more points of them are waiting to be spotlighted and solved from us all.

All in all, there is not much retoric art in my contribution, but certainly a long considered motivation to write it.


I guess bubble would be more appropriate than bladder.. :)

Ups. :-) THX^^ I need to use a tranlator, becouse my english is terrible. :-)