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RE: 1939

in #deutsch9 months ago

A perfect alert. I do want to add Syria. After Lybia and Egypt were the totalitay regimes broke, the people of Syria tried to free themselves of Assad minority regime. But Assad was backed by Putin and the US let the regime crimes happen fearing Putin.
This was the first mistake of the free world.
600k dead Syrians and 22M refugees.
The world watched and this was the ground for Putins invation to the UA.
Reminds indeed the crimes in Manchuria by Japan that went to quiet in the west.

After Syria the numbers of dead and refugees in Ukraine are sadly expected. And again the US did not help UA and this second mistake made Iran attack Israel directly and via Hamas and Huzbulla. Iran is back by Russia and economically by Iran.

If EU and US wont fight Russia and Iran now I do think the free cecular world is in danger.