At some point the power in the hive switches from the ninjaminers and their sycophants to the rest of us.
That point comes sooner when more folks power up what they are given.
IF we stop voting rewards to those that dump them as soon as they get them, giving them cheaply to the folks that already have game breaking amounts, that point will come quicker.
The fact that this may take awhile will make reaching the point of no return that much sweeter, imo.
If you don't like how hive is being managed, power up more hive.™
Exactly 👍
Unfortunately, they can't be downvoted as they don't post.
You are absolutely right. Such a nasty psychopath and extremist illogical hater. Needless to say, a dork even when it comes to swear words. Really pathetic and puny... I am very sorry for your unrightful downvotes. Take care and all the best!
P.S. He shouldn't have ever become an admin here nor does he have even 0.00001% moral authority to give lessons on many things. He lacks a colossal amount of common sense, but then again, what can one expect from the likes of him and his mindless, brutish acolytes who fancy weapons in the most abject manner possible? Virtually speaking nothing.
I just don't like him at all... He is full of hate and of hypocrisy... he also has a lot of like-minded acolytes who behave just like him (in a very peculiar and sinister manner). Like attracts like, it's a basic universal law. He has at least several former HIVE users permanently retired because of him and his acolytes and he keeps on downvoting other users most likely for the sheer pleasure of it (because that's the only seemingly efficient thing he can do to some users here, he just can't help himself, he's too needy and he lacks so much emotional intelligence).
If he is like this on the internet, and here on a blockchain, he must be exponentially worse in the real world. But then again, this comes as no surprise to me... Last but not least, Aussies are not like him, and I personally knew an Aussie. He's the total opposite of how an Aussie should behave. All the best to you here and beyond HIVE! Take care and stay safe! I am very sorry for all the unrightful and hysterical downvoting you did not deserve!