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RE: Compulsory vaccination / Impfpflicht / vacunación obligatoria

in #deutsch3 years ago

I was thinking about morality in global sense, like choosing lesser evil, which trolley problem is in it.s core. Is it ok to sacrifice some freedoms for the benefits of community? And who and why decides what is beneficial for community? When the situation is clear, more obvious and understandable, like war, much more people are willing to join the army plus rest of them are being forced (I know, been in a war zone) and then no one calls for their rights that are against war... you catch the point.
When you say that everybody has to decide if want to meet other people, not that easy as it sounds: I don.t get to choose with whom I will spend around 3hrs in public transportation every day, or with whom I am going to work so, not all unwanted contacts can be avoid.
Just to be clear, I am not advocating for force vaccination, just discussing some of your statements :)


Yes, I also just like discussing/challenging your statements.

"Is it ok to sacrifice some freedoms for the benefits of community?"

  • Yes, but is it ok to force people to sacrifice these freedoms?

"When you say that everybody has to decide if want to meet other people, not that easy as it sounds: I don.t get to choose with whom I will spend around 3hrs in public transportation every day, or with whom I am going to work so, not all unwanted contacts can be avoid."

  • Yes, it's not easy at all. But saying "I can't avoid these contacts" is an excuse and puts oneself into a victim role. If I have certain risk factors for Covid-19 and want to prevent getting infected, I would have to quit my job, avoid using public transportation and minimize my contacts. Yes, I would need to have savings to be able to quit my job and that would be a severe limitation of my freedoms, but that's not due to a authoritative government, but due to life as it is. And the question arises: because there is a small minority of people with a higher risk to Covid-19, should all the other people be forced to be vaccinated and/or forced to lockdowns and other measures? I don't have the ultimate answer to that question, but tend to the concept of self-responsibility - a concept that seems to have faded since the 1990s.

is it ok to force people to sacrifice these freedoms?
That depends of benefits. People are part of the community so if something is wrong with the community it is also bad for the individual. If you compare long-term consequences, deaths from covid and also other illnesses due to healthcare sys break with wearing masks and/or vccns, which ppls freedom (right) is worse endangered? Is it ok to sacrifice less to gain more? Individual responsibility is overrated ;) it can work well only in social environment where people feel safe, or at least, don.t feel anxious and afraid about everything, which can be achieved only in states/communities where there is trust in leaders and you are not preoccupied with yourself but can have empathy towards social surrounding. What we have now in many countries is giving people freedom to choose and them blame them for being irresponsible; yes, easy way to cover incompetence of leaders, or something else. Does not work that way, one of the functions of state is to protect citizens form disasters or at least make decisions that will not harm them; that is what we don.t see on a world scene since the beginning of pandemic. So, personal responsibility works in relation with its habitat; maybe more people will be ready to willingly follow measures if there were trust in what our leaders are advocating and doing.
Quit a job? We are talking about lesser evil again. Yes, I can quit my job and not be able to pay for everything that needs to be paid; I can sell everything I have and live some time with that, as much possible far from other people; I can go to woods and ask some wolves to adopt me. But that is worse choice, at least for the person like me.
Being aware where one.s responsibility ends and another.s starts and acting accordingly is making boundaries; it is not same as making yourself a victim.
Being a victim means feeling I don.t have a choice; one can make the same decision as "victim" but not feel that way because is aware of options and is choosing what, in that moment think, is better.
And life... life is the most lethal disease, it ends in death 100% ;P

P.S. You have my time-open invitation to Serbia, to feel a bit how is to live without a job and zero savings ;) bcs here around 80% of people don.t have from what to take to put it in saving mode; seriously, invitations stands; promise to give you something to eat ;P