Folker is sitting here and he just told me all about your Estonia project. Congratulations, way to go! I think I will stick with the Hungarian plan for now, but I'm open for suggestions.
As to the dog, he had the occasional "baszd meg" thrown at him when he wasn't good! We take our language practice serious around here 🤣 Right now he's quite ill with a septic arthritis in his knee after a botched cruciate ligament replacement so we must cut him some slack.
Have a wonderful weekend.
XOXO - Caroline
Dear caroline and folker,
Hungary is definitly a place where you can go, i am the "keresztapa" =Taufpate of the oldest son of one of my best and oldest friends, who lives in sopron with his big family, we visit them once a year or so.
Will make some posts about estonia if we are finished with the log-house.
And for your poor ill dog: just say something warm like: jó kutya, nagyon jó:).
Best regards.
Yes he is a very good boy. Most of the time. Don't forget the house, I love log houses. 💙