hahahah am mimicking how our dear friend afrog addresses you ... ^ ^lieber @double-u
it rained upvote on my page yesterday and you are the culprit (it's a compliment) and I am very grateful however, am afraid I won't be able to shoot back the same amount
am not very capable to do that right now so please bear with my being inept at the moment
have a great weekend and I shall return :D
Liebe Ivy,
I'm pleased about your message!
Oh, please don't worry.
It's no problem at all.
We have a trustful contact ;-)
I wish you a weekend with hopefully a lot of sun!
Ja @double-u Semogo, wie Sie es erwarten, und die Sonne kann für alle Steemit Freunde beleuchten. so dass am Morgen nicht dunkel, schönes Wochenende schön und gesund aussehen. Danke von @alfan13
Dear Ivy,
I just voted your new post "I Gave Birth To The Most Loved Butterfly In The World ATM".
Sorry, I made a mistake with that.
I accidentally voted 5%.
Then I canceled that.
And then I voted again with 99%.
I'm telling you this so that you're not wondering about this procedure.
Have a nice Sunday!