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RE: Why it is just a Question of Time that HIVE loose the Game of Social-Media on Blockchain! / Warum es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis HIVE das Social-Media Spiel als Blockchain verliert!

in #deutsch5 years ago

I don't know a single person who would come to Hive for any other reason than Splinterlands and even that is very niche. Via Splinterlands, they then might start blogging or try another app. But other than that, 99% of all people I talk to, have never touched anything in the blockchain world yet or even heard of it. Hive would be vastly to complicated for them. It doesn't matter at all how much comments are done here, new people would not even be able to create an account. Blockchain technology is still 10 years or more away from being widely adopted. Whether Hive will survive or not I cannot tell. I think the Social Media aspect of Hive is doomed. Using it for games and other apps, though, might work.


I agree that the ecosystem and most blogging apps are a tad too complicated for the average person. It comes down to user experience. Good news are that can be improved upon on the front end side without revamping the base layer.

i came to hive via one of the thing which is so unseen on hive... a wonderful Streaming Service but comletely ignored by the big fishes !

VIMM is a cool service. I have not tested it yet because I am not into streaming but I am glad that we have that app on Hive!

but take a look its ignored by the system... but it should be hyped, because see the Gaming industrie is a billion market but here they give a fuck for it... but why???

I don't think it is ignored. People are happy to have that app in the ecosystem. But you are right, it could get more love. This is not in my line of interest so I know very little about what is going on there, but I am sure that the whales and witnesses are happy to somehow boost it a bit more. Do you know the VIMM creator?

yeah i know em all... smile and im a founder of the Helpie Caster community ;)

Splinterlands has no future, in long term. But that is another point.

Myself, can bring thousands of people here on the chain, everybody is a writer of his interessts. But why i am not doing that?

Easy, i can not sell my Name! for a system with so many wrong things on it. If we change it, i will do wath i can for it.

So, building Applications and Games for this system is just a "Notlösung" for a worth case for it. Other systems will do that much easier and better. It will not get a worth for the future of this! blockchain.

The worth is it potential to wrote and interact with other ones about their live and interesstings.

With a second worth, realy nobody will recognize. The timeline, the recent posting in a blockchain. The time itself, bundled with information is the biggest worth for my interacting here over the time.

But i know, the most people can not understand what i see in the potential of this experiment.

Let us find out, iam right or wrong. ;-)

Salve and Thanks for you point of view


You are basically saying that we all have wasted our time and efforts and money in the past years with everything we build here. I refuse to believe that and I like what we have here so far. I am fine with where Hive is right now.

I understand.

Let us see^^ what time says.

Like that no one comments?
Why are you commenting here then.
That's nonsensical that you're expressing your view on a very community oriented post by commenting, but proclaim you don't like a community element such as commenting.

It's just the most idiotic thing I've read.