Ich bin froh, dass du noch hier bist. Ich hoffe, dass Sie nie weggehen werden. Es ist gut, dass Sie auf die Koexistenz der beiden Netze gesetzt haben, auch wenn Sie sich am Ende für Hive entschieden haben. Aber ich finde es gut, dass Sie keine Feindseligkeit oder Extremismus geschürt haben. (Zumindest habe ich das in Ihrer Veröffentlichung festgestellt). Ich denke, das ist nicht gesund.
Angela gibt es nicht mehr. Und wie wir bereits wissen, ist POTUS weg. Ich war kein großer Fan von ihm als Präsident, aber ich bewundere ihn als Geschäftsmann. Können Sie sich vorstellen, dass er in $Hive investiert? Es wäre irgendwie verrückt, seinen Preis zu erhöhen. hahaha.
Ich werde mir weiterhin Ihre Inhalte ansehen, vor allem werde ich danach Ausschau halten, wo Sie über Deutschland sprechen. Seit meiner Kindheit habe ich dieses Land immer gemocht, mein Name, Gary, ist sogar deutschen Ursprungs, ich war sehr überrascht, als ich das erfuhr, denn ich habe bei der Fußballweltmeisterschaft immer auf Deutschland gewettet, und auch seine Geschichte und Kultur ziehen mich sehr an. Tatsächlich gibt es in Venezuela, wo ich herkomme, in meinem Bundesstaat Aragua, eine Stadt namens Colonia Tovar, die um 1800 von Deutschen gegründet wurde. Ich hinterlasse Ihnen einen Link mit dem Bericht in Wikipedia. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Tovar (auf Deutsch) und ich hinterlasse ihn auch auf Spanisch, vollständiger: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Tovar
Wir sehen uns in Hive. Eine herzliche Umarmung aus Maracay, Venezuela.
thanks for your kind reply.
Unfortunately i dont speak very much spain, so my answer may be in english.
My "blockchain home" now is the hive-chain since the fork, i still hold some steem stake, but the music for me is playing here. Devs, games, projects, blogs, hmm, great possibilities here.Dear @garybilbao ,
It is also great to have a lot of people from venezuela here and I appreciate it very much, that you see some connections between your and my country. I am not only german, also estonian, but I live in good old germany.
The story of Colonia Tovar was a new one for me, i made a short google research und saw, that the germans there were mainly from the area of "Kaiserstuhl", i live not quite far from this area. Thanks for sharing this very interesting knowledgement.
And i saw the pictures in google about Colonia Tovar, amazing ones!!
I hope that this chain could be is a possibilty for hivians from your country, to run things in a personal way better then the political system in your country does, from time to time i read about the situation in your country, but never have been to venezuela by my own. Should do it in the future.
So, as an other short google research showed me something about maracay, what a loveley place it could be or may be is for you and your family.
We stay in contact and hive on!!
Best regards.
I was surprised by your kind and detailed answer. Maybe I should get to know you better, but I was really honored that you wanted to know about my city, Maracay. In fact I shared what happened with my wife and sister who are also in Hive.
In my country things are still difficult both politically and socially. The economy is still affected, but due to some aesthetic and strategic changes on the part of the government, we can say that it has improved, but not much.
Reading about Estonia, I see that it has a very troubled history. But that makes it rich in culture, I guess. I am surprised that 2222 islands make up its territory. Water transport must be very popular, to go from island to island.
Colonia Tovar is beautiful, I have been there twice. I would love to go again especially with my wife. But we have some expenses pending. But one day when I go, I will take pictures and share them with you.
Maracay is also very nice. It is called the Garden City of Venezuela because of its abundant vegetation and flowers everywhere.
A hug and of course we will keep in touch. Nice to know you a little more.
So, hope it all will improve more in our country soon.
Yes, estonia has a quite troubled history (but which country does not?), germans, swedish, and russian landlords in the past.
But today it is one of the most modern states with a great nature in my part of view, a good and fair law and tax-system, also very good for enterpreneurs, quite good education system and more.
So, i will read a bit more about venezuelas history soon, always good to talk to each other.
"Garden city" should be a good place for the future with prosperity and freedom, i hope.
Hive on, we stay in contact. Best regards. and about the islands:)), i know that the mother of grandpa was from the most isolated of the 2222 islands, from Ruhnu,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhnu😂.