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RE: Abuse of Power & Lies of HIVE Witness Pfunk | Machtmissbrauch & Lügen des HIVE Zeugen Pfunk

in #deutsch5 years ago

Are you (poorly) trying blackmail HIVE community? or what is this? And if you are saying that @pfunk done "lot of damage" to HIVE you better have something to back up your claim. I only see curation.

reposting things from facebook brings very little value, its fine if you do it once month for some good reason, but doing it daily especially when its completely unrelated to HIVE is just spam and leeching.

HIVE rewards are two way street - you provide something of value and you get rewarded, someone provides something of value and you reward him/her. What value have you provided when you expect rewards?

And spamming unrelated posts of others is simply idiotic. And good way to piss off people.