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RE: Wenn die DDR wiederkehrt..

in #deutsch5 years ago

I do not care about ur political biased lies.

There is no hate speech.
You fucked up guys now start to jail people for telling truth. Good job boy.
The European Parliament is not democratic. Get your facts right. We have a new EZB president (van der leyen) who wasn't even up for choice.

Have fun sliding down the rabbit hole.


What you are writing here is typical right-wing collectivist behaviour:

  • postmodern/post truth

  • facts do not matter

  • divides humans into elites and people

  • does not favour constitutional aspects as freedom and rule of law

and you are a typical left-wing with their accusations and fucked up believesystem and worldview
thanks for the conversation

I am not left-wing. I am a liberal, and therefore against both left- and right-wing collectivism

And I am an anarchist and therefore not only against rigth wing or left wing, but the whole system.

Cuz we are being forced to pay taxes, which finance wars.

Interesting. So what do you think about Rojava or free/experimental zones?

I support and favor production-autonomy as economical aim of countries instead of/ over maximizing economic growth.

Ok, but I do not understand. What has that to do with anarchism? You want state-capitalism and protectionism based on government money?