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RE: Gold versus Bitcoin

in #deutsch7 years ago

Und fast hätte ich es vergessen dass was mich so bullish für Gold und speziell Silber macht :
Das Ende der Energie im Überfluss:

Zitat: "Art Berman, 40-year veteran in the petroleum production industry and respected geological consultant, returns to the podcast this week to talk about oil.

After the price of oil fell from its previous $100+/bbl highs to under $30/bbl in 2015, many declared dead the concerns raised by peak oil theorists. Headlines selling the "shale miracle" have sought to convince us that the US will one day eclipse Saudi Arabia in oil production. In short: cheap, plentiful oil is here to stay.

How likely is this?

Not at all, warns Berman. World demand for oil shows no signs of abating while the outlook for future production looks increasingly scant. And the competition among nations for this "master resource" will be much more intense in future decades than we've been used to."


Hallo, Ich habe viel von Steve St. Angelo dazu gelesen, z.B.

Hier mal zwei Charts daraus:

Schade dass @srsroccoreport hier so wenig Zuspruch bekommt. :-(