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RE: Die EU - Ein europäisches Missverständnis

in #deutsch9 years ago

I do not fully agree. Schengen and freedom to travel is really a great success of a united Europe without borders, just as free trade, free movement of goods and people. The problem is that the German ordnung muss sein is imposed nations accustomed to a bigger backlash and that huge bureaucracy. The problem is also in a two-speed Europe - new and old Member.
The European Union has not done yet complete integration, and already implemented are limitations such as the imposition of the minimum wage (MiLog, Loi Macron) for delegated workers, and even drivers traveling through the country. Why did not immediately across the Union - same rate? They tend to meet some of the prime ministers in a closed group in a discussion about the whole Union. And fewer and fewer commissioners listened to people.

Union needs the freshness!