Gestern haben wir Dresden erreicht und dort gleich das Museum „Die Welt der DDR“ besucht.
Hier schwelgen nicht nur ehemalige DDR-Bürger in Kindheits- und Jugenderinnerungen, nein, auch viele „Wessies“ stehen hier staunend vor den Exponaten.
Ich selbst lernte viel über diesen einstigen Teil von Deutschland, den wir von aussen damals nur durch die westliche Brille sah.
Eine Erkenntnis habe ich erhalten: Es war in der DDR längst nicht alles schlecht. Dies bestätigen auch heute noch viele meiner Freunde, welche diese Zeit in Ostdeutschland selbst erlebt haben.
Ich will hier einfach ein paar fotografische Eindrücke aus „Die Welt der DDR“ mit Euch teilen.
Ich wünsche Euch eine schöne neue Woche
Yesterday we reached Dresden and immediately visited the museum "Die Welt der DDR" (The world of GDR).
Here not only former GDR citizens indulge in childhood and youth memories, no, many "Wessies" (that’s what western Germans are called here) also stand here amazed in front of the exhibits.
I myself learned a lot about this former part of Germany, which we saw from the outside at that time only through „western“ glasses.
I‘ve got one knowledge: Not everything was bad in the GDR. Many of my friends, who experienced these times in East Germany themselves, still confirm this today.
I just want to share some photographic impressions from "The World of the GDR" with you.
I wish you a nice new week.
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Footer made by @sjennon - Thanks a lot!
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Wonderful photos, Patrick! What a fascinating exhibit. Those vehicles are all quite amazing! Resteeming.
Thank you so very much, Melinda! Yes, it is a great exhibit indeed. 😃
Letztlich hatte auch in der DDR jedes Jahrzehnt seine spezielle Note. Ich hab nur die letzten 11 Jahre erlebt (wohl eher die letzten 8, wenn man es genau nimmt), das Museum scheint eher die 1970er zu zeigen.
Ja, ich denke auch, dass hier vor allem die 70er und 80er zur Würdigung kommen.
The DDR remains a big mystery for many people. I lived in Stuttgart and had no idea how everything was there. But yes that interesting and of course the memories of the people will be unforgettable :)
Guess you are right, the DDR will always remain a mystery for those who didn’t live it.
It looks pretty spartan back in the GDR days. Those cars look so flimsy. To be honest it reminds me of England back in the 1960's lol It was also pretty spartan :-)
Not only in England. I remember that the cars lookt as spartan as well in my childhood. 😃
Things have improved these days.
My wife visited Berlin in the 1970's and managed to end up in the GDR because she got on the wrong train/tram lol
She said it was pretty scary to see fully armed guards getting on?
Of course, my friend @pipurilla ! Everywhere you can find a positive! You have made wonderful photos about these times. Will we meet on SteemFest?
Hello Olga! Thank you so very much! 😀
I'm afraid, I cannot attend SteemFest because I have to safe my days off for my next years Route-66-trip in march. Maybe next time. 😉
Sehr schöne Bericht.
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Vielen Dank! :)
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