pic from Broward Sheriff's office Instagram page
[For english version, scroll down!]
Wieder einmal gab es einen Amoklauf in den USA. Diesmal in Florida. Was für ein Glück passiert sowas bei uns nicht. Wir haben ganz tolle Waffengesetze und die schützen uns vor solchen Ereignissen. Naja... zumindest was den Part mit den Waffen angeht. Bei uns nehmen die Amokläufer Äxte, oder Busse, oder Autos. Oder eben illegale Waffen... Ich kenne die Zahlen von Deutschland nicht und bin zu faul diese zu recherchieren. Von Frankreich kenne ich sie zufällig...
Es wird geschätzt dass es in Frankreich, das Land mit wahrscheinlich schärfsten Waffengesetzen Europas etwa 7 Millionen illegale Waffen gibt.
Insgesamt haben "unsere" Waffengesetze mal richtig gut geholfen in Nizza, mehrfach in Paris oder bei mir um die Ecke in Würzburg.
Immerhin war es diesmal kein Islamist, sondern ein mutmaßlicher Trump-Befürworter. Wahrscheinlich sogar ein "Rechter". Yuhuu endlich einer, der ins Feindbild passt. Aber erstmal egal... Zeitgleich mit den Kondolenzbekundungen wird ein Ruf laut und einstimmig tönt es aus aus der Durchschnittspresse ( ich finde das ist ne schöne Übersetzung für Mainstream Media...):
Wir brauchen schärfere Waffengesetze
Ein paar Fakten über Nikolas Cruz:
- Er wuchs bei Zieheltern auf
- Stiefvater verstarb als er 6 Jahre alt war
- Autismus vermutet
- flog von 3 Schulen wegen Gewalt gegen Mitschüler
- auffälliger Fußabdruck in den Sozialen Medien
- brachte Messer und Munition in die Schule mit
- bedrohte als 18 jähriger Mitschüler mit Waffen
- erschießt Hühner und Eichhörnchen im Nachbargarten
- gilt als schwierig und aggressiv
- Mutter verstarb im November 2017
- ist trotz der klaren Rechtsbrüche NICHT in Polizeiakten geführt
- besitzt deshalb "legal" eine halbautomatische Waffe (wohl AK-15)
Wie zum Teufel, bei den aktuellen Waffengesetzen beinahe überall auf der Welt kommt ein erwachsener Mann mit möglicher psychischer Erkrankung, einem schwierigen Umfeld und offensichtlich aggressivem und rechtswidrigem Verhalten zu legalen Feuerwaffen? Meiner Meinung nach ist dies ein Versagen der Behörden, nicht der Gesetze.
Dazu möchte ich zuletzt Stefan Molyneux zitieren:
"Wenn du für Waffenkontrolle bist, dann bist du nicht gegen Waffen, weil die Waffen benötigt werden um Menschen zu entwaffnen. Du bist nicht gegen Waffen, da die Waffen der Polizei benötigt werden um Leute zu entwaffnen! Du bist sehr FÜR Waffen. Du glaubst nur, dass ausschließlich der Staat - der natürlich verlässlich, ehrlich, moralisch und tugendhaft ist - die Erlaubnis haben sollte Waffen zu besitzen. Es gibt so etwas wie Waffenkontrolle nicht, nur eine Zentralisierung von Waffenbesitz in die Hände einer kleinen, politischen Elite und deren Erfüllungsgehilfen"
Lasst mich wissen, was Ihr dazu denkt!
Enlish version:
Once again we see a school shootin in the USA. This time it was in Florida. How lucky we are in Germany, that this does't happen to us. We have great weapon restricting laws and are safe from scenarios like this one... at least the part about the weapons. Here persons running amok use axes, busses or cars. Or they use simply illegal weapons... I don't know tha actual numbers of Germany and I am too lazy to research them, but from France, I know them by chance...
It is estimated that in France there are 7 million illegal weapons, the country with probably the strictest laws against weapons in Europe
Over all "our" gun restricting laws helped a big bunch in Nice, numerous times in Paris or here around the corner of my house in Würzburg.
At least this time it wasn't an Islamist, but supposedly a Trump supporter. Probably even a "radical right" guy. YEAH! Finally someone who matches the concept of the bogeyman. No matter... almost synchronized with the condolece avowals a call becomes louder from the mainstream media (which translates nicely into "mediocre media" in German):
We need stricter laws for guncontrol!
Some facts about Nikolas Cruz:
- He grew up with a stepfamily
- His stepfather died when he was 6
- autism is probable
- was kicked out of 3 different schools
- disturbing social media footprint
- brought knifes and bullets to school
- threatened fellow studends with weapons while already above 18 years old
- shot dead chickens and squirrels on the neighbours yard
- was considered difficult and aggressive
- mother died in november 2017
- no charges, no file from the police despite clearly illegal actions
- therefore owns a "legal" half automatic weapon (probably an AK-15)
How the hell, with gun restricting laws ANYWHERE in the world is it possible for an adult with possible mental disorders, difficult social surroundings, obviously aggressive tendencies and clearly unlawful behaviour got a "legal" firearm? In my opinion this is a 100 % failure of the authorities, not of the laws.
Finally I have to cite Stefan Molyneux about this:
"If you are for guncontrol then you are not against guns. Because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it's not that you are anti-gun, you need the polices guns to take away other peoples guns, so you're very pro-gun. You just believe that only the government, which is of course so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control, there is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small political elite and their minions..."
Let me know what you think!
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Aside from the fact that authorities were warned in advance about him, we need to recognize the danger that prescription drugs pose.
Especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
good point!
I believe is more about how individuals develop and how individuals live, I mean in my nation colombia the issues are about medications and guerrillas since individuals need to endeavor to have bread in table their brains are engaged in advance so in rich nations at times individuals have all in hands so they don't see a justifiable reason motivation to live and that is the reason many individuals have mental issues so here the arrangement could be go to this cases and the state need to attempt to give individuals motivations to live I mean stong culture, about weapons I truly don't know how that function outside yet contemplating individuals with mental issues and radicals the state need to creat solid standards and all aspects of resistance need to cooperate.
Mir persönlich wird zu viel Diskutiert beim Thema Waffen/Waffengesetze. Das dreht sich wieder alles im Kreis. Keine Änderung in Sicht. Angebrachter wäre es, aus meiner Sicht, mal über alles zu Diskutieren was mit dem sozialen Miteinander zu tun hat. Waffen können verboten werden, den Zorn den jemand in sich aufbaut nicht.
Jo, leider werden immer mehr Fakten durch Gefühle ersetzt. Grundsätzlich ist das nicht ganz verkehrt, aber bei einer faktenbasierten Entscheidung ist das eher hinderlich.
People always relate terrorism(guns & bombs) with islam. But when a terrorist attack come from the non-muslim, the headline of the media did not show the word "terrorist". It shouldn't be called islamophobia, its should be called terroristphobia as I believe any religion in the world doesn't teach violence. Just my opinion. Thanks.
not sure about that. but I won't discuss religion on this matter...
Ich möchte dazu eine Antwort geben, die rein auf Logik beruht und nicht durch gefühlsbetonte Beeinflussung aufgeladen ist. Ich versuche es mal nüchtern zu sehen:
Wie Du es schon schön beschreibst, können fast alle harmlosen täglichen Gebrauchsgegenstände zu tödlichen Waffen umfunktioniert werden.
Nicht die Waffe an sich ist böse, sondern der, der sie benutzt um "Böses" damit zu vollführen.
Wer von Grund auf Böse ist, hält sich an keine Gesetze - also auch an keine Waffenverbote. Die "Guten", die sich an Gesetzte halten und eigentlich nur das Gesetz "Du darst nicht stehlen" - was den Diebstahl des Lebens eines Anderen bereits impliziert - bräuchten, werden somit benachteiligt, weil sie um eine Möglichkeit der Verteidigung gegen das "Böse" gebracht werden.
Ich lehne Gewalt jeglicher Form generell ab!
Es ist mir wichtig, das noch hinzugefügt zu haben...
In my country colombia that kind of violence is not common, i think is more about how people grow and how people live, i mean in my country colombia the issues are about drugs and guerrillas because people need to work hard to have bread in table their minds are focused in progress so in rich countries sometimes people have all in hands so they don't see a good reason to live and that's the reason a lot of people have mental mental problems so here the solution could be attend all this cases and the state have to try to give people reasons to live i mean stong culture, about weapons i really don't know how that work outside but thinking about people with mental problems and extremists the state have to creat strong rules and every part of defence have to work together, i wanted to share more ideas but i'm not native in english but that's the whole idea of what i think. Regards
Traurigerweise ist das ja kein Einzelfall. Eigentlich kann es ja nicht sein, dass ein junger Erwachsener (fast noch ein Kind) mit solch einer Vorgeschichte nicht in Behandlung ist. Waffengesetze der USA hin oder her, wie du schon sagtest, solche Sachen weisen eindeutig auf das Versagen der Behörden hin. Gerade wenn bekannt ist, dass eine Person derartig und dann auch noch so häufig aufgefallen ist, kann das nicht ignoriert werden. Diese Leute brauchen viel eher Hilfe als manch anderer, da sie nicht nur sich selbst kaputt machen, sondern auch noch viele andere mit in Leidenschaft ziehen.
The problem is not an ideological one, the problem is the mental status of these people, better said they are assholes who can and are motivated by what they see on the news or the movies or online, and their is a lot of hate out there, from all quarters. Contrary to what the NRA says guns do kill, if you don't have a gun available you probably won't kill, I am not against someone having a gun, if he can prove he is capable of using it and takes a mental test. The thing I find ridiculous is the availability of semi automatic weapons in the US, what the hell does a person need one of these for? Hunting? Do you think you need a semi automatic rifle to kill a deer?
But these school shootings are apparently an issue only in the US,
I don't know why. You are lucky in Germany, I am from Honduras, we have a ready supply of all types of weapons, an incredible amount of AK47's and the murder numbers show it, but murders here are hits, robberies, vengeance or maybe drunken fights, no school shootings, could there be dark organizations that psychologically brainwash the kids who do this, you know to keep the population frightened?
We have semi auto guns because we are americans and we are free to do so. When does anyone have the right to tell you a responsible law abiding citizen what you can and can not posses all firearms are semi auto nowday besides bolt action hunting rifle. Im tired of socialists trying to impose their laws and regulations on free people
So people in the US are free? Keep on believing that.
I find it interesting that 100% of these shootings occur in so called "gun free zones"...
No, they happen in places where there are a lot of people, malls, schools, sport venues etc, maximum damage with little chance of being stopped, even if there are armed guards around.
Wenn man es will kommt man heutzutage irgendwie immer an eine Waffe, siehe München oder was war es noch gleich ? Winnenden ?!
Ob schärfere Waffengesetze irgendetwas verhindern? Ich wage es zu bezweifeln.
Das ein mental kranker, nachweislich aggressiver Mensch die Möglichkeit hat in Besitz einer legalen Waffe zu gelangen ist sehr fragwürdig.
@pollux.one you mentioned that
At least this time it wasn't an Islamist, but supposedly a Trump supporter.
I am happy to know that at least German nations are not against Islam. Disputes are everywhere but due to other factors not religious. All religious educate about peace and love. Sad to know about the incident. May God protects everyone.I think there is quite a distinction to make between an Islamist and a Muslim. I would say:
Don't fear the man of many books, but the man of only one book.
As soon as a religion is promoting inequality between the sexes or is advocating hurting people, I will critizise it, no matter how the religion is called. AND I will surely not speak for "German nations" in this place.
Finally you are quite wrong about your assumption about the disputes ... MOST are rooted in or at least justified by religion.
I like to see you wonderful post always & thanks to share this content with us.
i hate war..
A leader of a Florida white supremacist militia called the Republic of Florida told the Associated Press that Cruz was a member of the organization and had participated in a training exercise with the white supremacist group. The milita’s leader said the suspect acted alone and suggested the timing of the attack on Valentine’s Day was intentional due to Cruz’s “trouble with a girl,” the AP reported.
It is sad this keeps happening, a solution has to be reached. Children should be learning in school, not worrying about shooters.
The solution could be to charge for obvious crimes, file it and thus have a reason not to sell guns to mental ill persons with known aggressive behaviour.
this is getting pathetic no administration control is there these incidences are on all time high :(
Ich denke das hier wie überall genügend tickende Zeitbomben herumlaufen. Und das man vermutlich nichts dagegen tun kann.
Verrohung der Gesellschaft, Egoismus und psychischer Druck sind mit Sicherheit Dinge die es begünstigen das hier und da bei jemandem die Kabel im Kopf aneinander kommen aber ... ich hab keine Idee was man dagegen tun kann.
Keine physische + psychische Gewalt gegen Kinder, Erziehung zu selbstbestimmten und selbstverantwortlichen Menschen, intakte Familien um Werte zu vermitteln und vorzuleben... (für viele vielleicht zu konservativ, aber definitiv der Beste Weg dahin)
da liegt aber in der heutigen Zeit schon bei vielen das Problem. Wenn man da manchmal einen Blick hinter die Kulissen machen kann wundert einen eigentlich das nicht noch viel mehr passiert.
It was terrible to see, because I don't want anyone get in trouble, because no one can bear the pain of anyone's death, it is the biggest problem, that no one wants this thing happens to them,
And the same attack happened in Pakistan as well, in city of Peshawar, which was terrible attack ever in Pakistan, but now a days it became little bit peaceful country ever before,
And here is picture of those martyr kids who were died in that horrible incident, still I have remembered that day when it happened, but you people are really lucky and safe in Germany because there is no war, noo attack, its like an heaven and peaceful,
hope it will always be same like now a days.
It would be interesting to explore the media responsibilities in these shootings. Five minutes of fame?!
But I don't know if you noticed but ... It appears that video-games are not the No.1 problem for these shootings anymore? I know that couple of years ago, they always found the connection to the video games like Call of Duty or GTA.
obviously due to lack management, administration as well as the authority, it happened but I am impressed to heard positive things about a Germany because life wants a peace not a sound of fires and if it was banned in the begning was the best solution to get overcome on this situation, but what anybody can do now.
Mr. @pollux.one thanks for sharing this news and you know whenever I will complete my degree. I will try my best to come over there in Germany because it is really beautiful country, you people are very lucky and people are also kindhearted like you because you always have supported me, and hope you always will,
I don't think that the banning of guns are a good thing. If you "ban" guns, the only ones who have guns left are the bad guys and the government (which is sometimes the same thing)
yeah obviously but there should be the solution of this matter @pollux.one
I think, you just don't get it...
dear I am getting your point, but the goverment or the people will be left by guns can't be the bad, because they will keep guns for public safety, hope you get it now.
There is not one government in the world that I would trust...
yeah you are right, there so many governments, and we can't trust everyone.
In trump administration there is no rules anyone could do anything this is so sad and now people can't handle this sort of things for long
Stricter laws are must but they are giving too much freedom to those who owns gun
just think about those innocent people who have nothing to do with it and lost their precious life
these thing happens in U.S only we are somewhere lucky but those people have lost life
other countries has already defined and implemented the stricter laws which works but in US nothing works
guns should not be given out now or impose stricter laws this is the only way left nothing can be done more
not sure if you captured my message ;-)
nice your photo bro
Florida nice beautiful post
If you can tell me what is "beautiful" about this post, then I remove the flag...
@pollux.one He came and commented just for upvote. unfortunately, peoples are missing or not getting true about steemit posts. Your blog contains a lot of information about politics and illegal guns. Comments should be reasonable or relevant to blogs. Comments are the proof of our study to blogs. I hope @cr-7 is now clear.