Beautiful! Is that lemon balm mixed in with petunias? Two photographs below the statue... Lots of hard work and care,and it shows.
And a very interesting picture at the bottom. Looks to me like "civilization attacking Mother Earth.
Schön! Ist die Zitronenmelisse gemischt mit Petunien? Zwei Fotos unterhalb der Statue... Viel harte Arbeit und Pflege, und es zeigt.
Und ein sehr interessantes Bild unten. Sieht für mich wie "Zivilisation Angriff auf Mutter Erde.
Hi @r2cornell thank you very much for your super feedback. Yes it is associated with a lot of time. But I like to spend a lot of time and work in the garden. Because it is a place that also returns what. Power, calmness and more
I agree there is so much more to gain from a garden than just fresh produce or beautiful flowers. For me it is a time to get grounded and let everything in life go for a bit.