Central Bank Gold Reserves have bin an issue over the years, but comparing to Population gives you a different aspect

in #deutsch8 years ago (edited)

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Central Bank Gold Reserves have bin an issue over the years, but comparing to Population gives you a different aspect

Deutsch/English: Here is an Interactive Map which allows you to compare your country with others but not just in terms of Tonnes but also in gold grams per person or GDP for instance.

Deutsch: Zentral Bank Gold Reserven sind seit Jahren ein Thema, aber das Verhältnis zur Einwohnerzahl und Land hat doch ein andern Charakter. Hier ist ein Interaktiver Landkarte die nicht nur die Reserven anzeigt aber auch Gram per Person oder zum Brutto Sozial Produkt.

19 Gold Reserves.jpg

Click on the Picture or this Link to get to the Interactive Map.

Klickt auf das Bild oder diesen Link um auf den Interaktiven Landkarte zu kommen.

When looking at China you see the Official Numbers, the Unofficial Gold Reserves are up to twice as high and some reports go as high as 5000 tonnes. Keep this in mined when thinking about a Global Gold Paying System and the per head gram count. Do not Forget to try out the Top 10 Button for each case.

Wenn ihr China anschaut seht ihr die Offizielle Zahlen, die Inoffiziellen Zahlen sind zwei mal so hoch und manch berichtet sogar von 5000 Tonnen. Behaltet dies im Hinterkopf wenn ihr über einen mögliche Welt Gold Handelssystem nachdenken und die pro Kopf Gram bestand geht. Vergesst nicht auch denn Top 10 Button auszuprobieren mit jeden Punkt.

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Bitcoin strong Break-Out

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Very interesting . I did not know we had that much gold? I thought we sold a lot.

Ja, if you are speaking from a USA perspective. I'm not sure were you are from. I'm from Germany and we have a lot but are slowly bringing it back from Fort-Knox. Some say that all the Gold in the US or most of it is sold. There has not bin a audit in a very long time.

I am form the US. I herd there were German gold in the twin towers. They , the deep state wonted it. Also read that the US was forced to returning and they sunk the ship? Just wondering if they were more up dates

I think you could be right that the Gold was in the Twin Towers. As far as I'm aware the Gold gets flown into Frankfurt Germany. There seems to be a time table that if I am not mistaken that goes out to the year 2020 when the last load arrives. There will still be a considerable amount of German Gold stored in New York without the intent of delivery.

A crypto backed by gold would be a perfect combination. The first provides the liquidity and versatility, and the second would provide the stability.

If I'm not mistaking there is such a Coin already. I've seen it somewhere.

yep it's digix : https://www.dgx.io/

You found it, great. Thanks for the Link.

great post ... I have for you an interesting quote from Warren Buffet about gold : “I will say this about gold. If you took all the gold in the world, it would roughly make a cube 67 feet on a side…Now for that same cube of gold, it would be worth at today’s market prices about $7 trillion – that’s probably about a third of the value of all the stocks in the United States…For $7 trillion…you could have all the farmland in the United States, you could have about seven Exxon Mobils (NYSE:XOM) and you could have a trillion dollars of walking-around money…And if you offered me the choice of looking at some 67 foot cube of gold and looking at it all day, and you know me touching it and fondling it occasionally…Call me crazy, but I’ll take the farmland and the Exxon Mobils.”

Great Quote, I think a heard it in a similar way also. Take the land … you are so right.