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RE: Galaxie Expedition Kunstwerk / Galaxy expedition artwork

in #deutsch7 years ago

Wonderful piece of art! But perhapbs even more interesting is your approach: seeing the relation, - or shall I say relationship? - between the universe and art. Do both have the same origin, the same source? Are both fueled by the same sort of energy? And a third aspect is interesting as well: I´m composing an album about that matter right now. Isn´t it a nice coincidence stumbling about your work? Enjoy your time! Rolf


Dear Rolf,

the coalescence between ideas, visions and doing art is an ocean full of infinite events. It is difficult to explain my relationship or even my thoughts on making art like this, because sometimes the interpretation of the work happens during the work.

But as the universe is part of us all, art and creativity is part of us all too. So it's indeed related to each other.

Would be interesting to see/hear more about this album you speak.
What it's about exactly?

And big thanks for your feedback!

Well, in short, it´s a sonic description of the history of our universe. I´ve studied physics AND music and try to find musical/sonic equivalences between the "physical" actors (quarks, gluons and - at the beginning - the void itself) and imagined sounds, patterns and musical motives. Maybe it sounds unclear or blurry, which may have its reason in the fact that despite of doing real composing work (pencil, paper and all these "old fashioned" kind of processes), I leave a lot of space for sonic experiments during the production process itself. Meaning: As I´ve not finished the work yet - not at all - I cannot tell more about the album as a whole. I´m working on piece 3 of (planned) 8 by now. Enjoy your life! Rolf