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RE: Political theory: general questions

in #deutschyesterday (edited)

Yes, @agmoore.

"Not well."

We agree on that. And this is hardly new. We were both around, when Reagan's "National Commission on Excellence in Education" issued their final report in 1983. With this damning summation:

"If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war."

Could their judgment have been stated any more clearly? Surely, then, Congress "got right on it." Right? Of course they did. Leading John Taylor Gatto, New York's Teacher of the Year, to write his well known book, "Dumbing Us Down ," in 2002.

I could go on, but I'll refrain.

"Correlation with wealth/race is quite high."

We do not agree on this, if in any way, as seems self-evident, you are making a case the sorry state of our education system is in any way based upon the fact there is still not enough money being spent. I say that from my own experience base of sitting on a private school board for six years, with far less $$ / student (~75% less, at that time) spent than the published figures for any student in the public education system.

In whose hands do you believe the primary responsibility for the education of our children rests? Their parents? Or the State?
