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RE: Trump victory - Europe's crying

in #deutsch2 months ago

🌄 Good morning (here)! ☕ The sun is coming up on a new day in America, while we are quietly reflecting on what we experienced through last night into the wee morning hours, waiting for Trump to be declared the victor and his resulting acceptance speech.

"Mainstream media lost."

We'll see, soon enough. I would love to think there would be some humble acceptance of this fact and a remarkable transformation of this vital part of a truly free country - a free and courageous "just the facts, ma'am" press - would magically appear.

That is very unlikely.

In the absence of that, the continued rise of alternatives to it via all that the words "social media" have come to mean to us all? 🤷‍♂️ I will stop, before I start, on where we are on that front ...


Remarkable though the results last night are, they only represent the potential for what can now take place. It is hard to overstate what is likely to await whatever attempts are made to truly "reverse course" and even begin to undo the damage evident all around us. We'll soon see what the "progressive" Left has predetermined their response will be in their fight against whatever genuine efforts are made ...

Thanks for writing this post, while we all wait for the final report on exactly what my countrymen said last night, while their freedom to choose is still somewhat intact. Beginning with how big the Republican majority is in our Senate and whether they are even able to maintain the razor-thin edge they have in our House.

Should Hakeem Sekou Jeffries succeed in becoming the next Speaker of the House? God help us ...