Today we will walk in 3 minutes through the wilderness of my garden. I also added some pictures to give you a good insight into a garden in Bavaria at the beginning of the month of May.
Heute werden wir in 3 Minuten durch die Wildniss meines Gartens gehen. Einige Bilder habe ich noch zusätzlich dazugepackt um Dir einen guten Einblick in einen Garten in Bayern am Beginn des Monats Mai zu geben.
Tulpe -Tulpis
Hahnenfuß - Ranunculus
Wildniss - Wilderness
Österreichischer Lein - Linum austriacum
Bärlauch - Allium ursinum
Lauch - Allium
Wollige Schneeball - Viburnum lantana
Wildniss - Wilderness
Purpus Heckenkirsche - Lonicera x purpusii
Europäische Stechpalme - Ilex aquifolium
See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!
Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
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The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of G-ds creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am part of the Curators Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself!
Beautiful flowers I loved this
you've got lots of flowers for the pollinators to feast on
can you eat the red something ? :D
Some of the blooms are eatable, if they come up I will show them and eat them :)
The red allium I never tried to eat, I think it is a ornamental plant and was there before.
I have them the calla lilies (purple allium)
I meant the ones that look like berries on the tree :)
welcome to the club of flower eaters :)
They are toxic for humans. (I have renamed them now to: Lonicera x purpusii)
Fotos sehr beeindruckend Übrigens bin ich ein Naturliebhaber
fabulous one. drizzling beauty
Super photos of some lovely flowers you have there @schamangerbert. I've posted an old ATC story you should check out if you have the time Captain. Hope all is well old boy.
This is one of the places that for someone who loves photography will be like heaven. there are so much to photograph. Or just enjoy nature and all its loveliness.
wow you have a big beautiful garden, I like flowers but now my garden is empty.
Sehr schön!! Die rote Tulpe gefällt mir am Besten!! Viel Spaß heute Abend! Ich komm leider nicht:-(
I love this . Beautufiel flowers
Thank you very much for showing your garden!
I have to watch your video twice to see how you planned your garden!!
Very nice indeed!! We don’t have wild flowers seeds here and it is not normal to plant wild flowers!
But I wonder where you get those seeds from?! Can you buy them in shops?!
The way you planned the colours are very good! Love the big yellow budh in front of the house.
You have quite a big garden!
The red wooden door of the yurt is very attractive! I guess you painted that by yourself!?
Your stone sculptures are very dry in this season!
Really good tour with so many birds singing too!
You have such a wonderful house! Love it!
You may look to this link:
It is the map of Germany and the different regions, for each there are different wild flower mixtures.
This was my mix:
The yurt is original from Mongolia.
Beautiful flowers.... nature’s best gift .... I love tulpe-tulips
Beautiful Flowers, i've seen Lauch-Allium but yellow Color
can I have those flowers for my birthday captain? hihi. 😍❤️❤️❤️
I made some posts with free usable photos, take one of them and have a happy day my dear!
Your garden is full of wonderful trees and beautiful roses, I like your garden
thank's for sharing @schamangerbert
Roses? You should go to a optic :) I don't like roses, they are hurting to much :)
Taking care of nature is fun and a must
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihre Beiträge sind von außergewöhnlicher Qualität, die Fotos sind schön, vielen Dank @shamangerbert
Das ist wenigstens mal nen Garten , der strotzt voll Natur..... find ich klasse.... ich mag so statisch angelegte Schickimickigärten überhaupt nicht....
those flower are so unique and exclusive took the best photo....mostly the pink flower
Beautiful Tulpis there wow looks so great :)
its very lovely photography
VENEZUELAQue hermosas rosas mi amigo @schamangerbert, me encantaron esas fotografías humildes saludos desde
This post has received a 5.11 % upvote from @boomerang.
How pretty. I love the flowers.
beautifull flowers master.
nice post
this is my entry
Excellent photography @schamangerbert really incredible shots you have shared
Beautiful flowers its stunning to see great post : )
Some new flowers i have seen today thanks to you for sharing
I could sit there all day long!
Very interesting and awesome flowers clicks so good :)
Well done! You may have noticed that I payed you 1 share for the SBI, you have now 9 and got switched to a higher pool, my votes are still 0.00 from this project :)
I have 1000's of gardeners, most of them are very small, some have wings and one is a hedgehog :)
That is kind of you, but I think you should sponsor some minnows not me. As the voting power is very important it is also more important to power up as much as possible.