Spring cleaning already!? It is so true that things blow up or collapse one day after their warranty expires! I too, only want to buy durable things, but it's not so simple. You may research and compare, but in the end it's always a matter of trial and error (a higher price does not always promise quality). I hate it that computers etc are old after 4 years (or less!) Not to mention washing machines. They are built to be thrown away. Very annoying and a stupid greedy, materialist mentality that will destroy this planet.
Our relationship to stuff is complex. Buying new things is also a way to exchange energy (and even interact with other people). That is why giving feels so good too, but sometimes people don't really want or need your stuff (or ideas!). Then we have to learn to respect better their needs and figure out other ways to communicate our love/appreciation. When it turns into obsessive possessiveness (hoarding) super complex psychological issues are being ignored.
The art of owning and possessing is very subtle if you want to get it right. Clothes, crockery, your entire interior design may reflect aspects of your being. But they also can pretend and become uncomfortable, as not really you (this happens when you buy impulsively or follow trends). It begins by caring and treasuring what you have, and letting go of the rubbish, as you discovered! So, off to clean, everybody and maybe feel lighter in your whole being!
Thank you for deciding what I am going to be doing tomorrow!
Many thanks for your Post and your additions. It´s not easy to find high quality products, but it´s sometimes possible.
That´s the way!
Have fun tomorrow and enjoy to discover your things new ;-)