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RE: Epstein, Epstein…

in #deutsch5 years ago

Thank you @jeannedarc for your reply.

I much appreciate and value your offer ! I love to make deals !!

However, as much as I respect your offer, I can't. And here are a few reasons.

  1. It would be too dangerous for me and you to have a formal agreement. I am in the midst of planetary conflict (pedogate - the un take over). So I wouldn't want to expose you to such an high intensity conflict.

  2. Secondly and more importantly for the deal to be agreed upon, I wish you to do your own research. It's useless for you to repeat or translate what I say. It's way better if you do your homework on certain issue that I repeat myself and see if it's really true.

However if you would like to proceed, and this is the beauty of this platform, no one but your Ressource Credit stops you, I would advise you to keep posting your work, but with an english translation at the end.

So that we both win ! In the sense that you can keep informing the German speaking population about those most important issues, and WE CAN READ IT !

So first your text in german, and maybe just a bullet point list of all the concept you explain translated in english.

What do you think of this counter proposal? I think it's fair, and really a win-win and much interestingly a nice entry for those wanting to learn german, or english and for you too ! As you would progress in your excellent english skills !

Now If I may THANK YOU for the content of your reply, I would like you to receive it now ! It's so rare for me to read the opinions of German People. And I value it so much. We on the European Continent (as a physical entity) and the WORLD really need to understand your problems, hopes and dreams. So that we never again enter in the past devastation that plagued so much of your current dreams, hopes and aspirations.

I do really want peace and understanding, respect and care with the German People. There were so much suffering (like the 2millions germans females raped after ww2). Not again.

Germany is so controlled, that you must write between German lines to inform those who are willing to be informed and not to be sued for hate speech or other invented crimes.

How do you want WE to know that, if everything we receive and can read directly from the German People is controlled by the Gov !

Furthermore I can't express you how much sympathie I have toward yourself. Those words are really terrible.

Who are the people who made those laws? Would you perhaps post a list of all the law makers who sided with those laws? so that when the day come we can find them, kill their children and feed their children to them? I can't imagine the horror of one of those german criminal as you call them later, when he will see the dead corpse of his child, and be forced to eat it (we may use mixer for force feeding, like gooses).

That's what you have to undertand, and why I don't want you near me, is that this revolution is ULTRA VIOLENT, why? because of what they did to US, and worst plan (like makron and his forced vaccination laws, or his forced population replacement). We will hurt them with such hate that every little fucker of their group, will fear us, for ETERNITY.

And never dare again to trouble us. I know my methods may appear ruthless, but they are ultra efficient and super cheap, ie I have an excellent return on it.

Our society has changed in a way, that people seeking for truth are fought.

And that why those fighting us will have to feed on their own children, wives, even parents and loved ones. We are mercyless with our enemies. But don't worry, they can't change the german soul, as long as the language exist, they can't do nothing against us. (you see how I can become one with all who seek the truth? amazing, that's empathy, love, care and respect ! We have never left, and so will never need to return...

You are already fought here, when you are good.

This one is a little bit unclear, but yeah, fighting, a way of life ! Isn't life all about it? who knows... sometimes I am lucky otherwise, tricked... but with time...

You lose your Job.

I know, that's what they seek to achieve, total dominance, population replacement, white genocide and United nations charter take over. We will not let it happen. Don't forget every single Member of the Us ARMED FORCES has taken an OATH to the CONSTITUTION. WE DON'T FIGHT FOR YOU, BUT FOR AMERICA !

But fight... and if we don't, we prepare for it. With all with have got.


we call that COMMON DEFENSE structured at the FEDERAL LEVEL, but rest assured some of our STATE ARMIES (reserve and state armies) are already among the most powerful in the world (texas for example). We are completly crazy on the issue of warfare ! guns and co... dont' threat on my herd.

Try to find like minded business owners, try to find others with new business idea who share our opinion on the situation, it's a way. And having a diversifed income stream is really critical, from geography to different activites... We have to be better than those attacking us (good luck seizing a micro bank account under the watchful eye of PBOC (people bank of china supervisory board)...

You get ill.

I know that you write the truth here. They rape children, what will they not do? It's a ultimate fight against them, Makron want to force vaccinate (with who knows what) all the children of france... remember the contaminated blood story in france? 0 prosecution, thousand of deads, 0 media coverage about the suffering before their death of those FRENCH CITIZEN, and what did the french police do? Nothing. Justice? Nothing. They both protected childrapist for YEARS, but come after us for hash? If you knew the hate and determination against them, they would surrender now. Unilaterally and uncondtionnally.

Furthermore the stress of this situation, the economic deprivation, really take a toll on health. This is war crime level they do on us : aka white genocide.

And most of the good ones even don’t realize the reason for their problems and are simply not able to perceive the means that are used to force this mafia system upon us.

I can recommend to send them articles from infowars for example or zerohedge that interest them, it could be in any domains, or naturalnews. remember those who seek shall find. The way is to be astute and really specifically targeted, while waiting for the right time with a new article... it could be about exposing the danger of autodrive in tesla, or a health issue from natural news, or a political crisis, what ever, and more importantly let them do their own homework. Ie never provide the answer but the question....

Like how are we going to be pay pensions if the migrants eat all the social money?

Where are we gonna live if the invaders (migrants) do 10 children each?

what language will we speak if they all speak arabic?

Why was our neighboor, cousin, this girl raped in the park, by whom?

simple question...

but becareful, they are all in a cognitive dissonance state, they feel the problem but have neuro feedback loop preventing them from acting, like germans soldiers in the retreat from the eastern front... some even still fought...

Means researched and documented by Dr. Katherine Horton or Harald Kautz-Vella

I didn't know them, maybe you could do an other post with dual language on their work and link them to me? I don't have the time now to spend on the german issue... they are the french police looking to vaccinate my hypoethetical children, so I have my hands quite full nowadays :) I hope you understand...

I am just part of those contributing to the awakening of the Germans.

You are a HERO ! You will save coutnless live, german language and culture and way of life ! We will succeed. The United nations take over will end in blood in geneva switzerland, paris unesco and for the HQ in new york, with have all the nano thermite in the world you can imagine, and the Israelis are unleash on it, they just wait for the green light to pull it down with all the workers in it (and I don't joke on this last part).

Trying to address those which are able to follow and digest the level of information,

short article, bullet point at the top, look at bergman from gatestone institute how she does her article... they always have key point on the top and develop them later in the article, some of us really don't have the time to read full logical developpement and may just need the new events...

most of those in the trance are used to twitts, and others short message...

bullet points !

like Nike, JUST DO IT ! or MCdonald : I am lovin it ! you see? always coca cola :D:

or my classical : FIGHT US DIE or internally : YOU LIE YOU DIE.

you see? It's clear.

I would be looking forward to working together with you. Meaning that you provide information or proof in English language and I translate that, so that more Germans can understand that and join our forces. Deal?

finally I am big believer of decentralized organization ! so the more spread we are the less those opposing us have impact points, or command structure... it's really a war !

this is what is important to get : one of my method :

EX101 (executive 101) : first contact with liberated german established.

you see? they know what I mean :D.

have a great day ! and keep calm, focused and on the target...

a question after all this : who to feed merkel with? Her husband will she have pain to eat it? and who in her family to kill? I see she is a little chubby so she will take more meals... than others :D

you see? the fear? the disgust? I don't think there is value in organ harvesting her... macron on the other hand, after having eaten the children of brigitte will be good for extraction (if we need something).

Remember, I run a war empire :D the Financial side for after the war.

first defeat the enemies, then have fun ! what is funnier than Finance?

too ruthless for you? who cares... forward ! This is herd.

and as said, it's only when we have to attempt to swim in the pool of grease, flesh and bones mix of our enemies that it's time to panick ! it's very hard to swim in that, just jump back on a horse, and let's burn it all down.

The Khan ways. see the spririt? fighter... constant warfare.

@macron @france @dgsi @dgse @fr @diplomatie @guerre @forcedvaccination


My understanding of solving the conflict, we all are actually suffering from is very easy. I have the impression that you are part of the official US-army fighting against something. On the contrary I am contributing to the citizens just working with information to resist economically against those forces, we are no longer willing to support.

It is very obvious that we are working bottom up while you can allow yourself to work top down. If we are working for the same target, we will meet somewhere in the middle. If we have different targets we will never meet.

The means we use are also different. We work with information – that explains my hashtag #informationwar – while you work with brute force. We work constructive, referring to the very weak #infoforces in a way to support our „combatants“ in erecting a new economy while you try to tear down the imperial forces which hold us in its fierce grip.

You asked me to give you names so that you could apply your brute force and revenge to those globalist protagonists, however I have no means to discover who really supports the imperial agenda. For you working top down it is very easy to see who is supporting those „top agents“, which you already named and do whatever you feel adequate to remove this kind of power from the system.

We on the contrary have the means to see, who constructively supports our economic efforts to build up something new. For us it is very easy to spot those really contributing and remove our attention from others, which are just trying to trap us in any kind of honeypot.

Regarding your idea to deliver translations for every information I am giving out to the German community: I am considering that. Don’t think that I am lazy or not willing to give you this kind of info in your language. However, the effort might not be feasible for me. I can offer, to give you a short bullet-point list of what kind of info I am transferring with my actual post. Very often the sources I (always) link to my information are in English, so that you can clearly see what all is about. I can assure, that the information level, I am actually providing is far below the level you and I dispose of.

Ich denke, Deutsch ist die beste Sprache, um sich genau auszudrücken. Jede Sprache gibt die Mentalität der Sprechenden wider. Meiner Erfahrung nach verstehen Leute, die nur eine oder anderthalb Sprachen sprechen, nicht ausreichend genug andere Völker.

Auch brauchen wir keine Hilfe von Bürgern des Imperiums. Die alte Welt ist nicht auf die "neue Welt" angewiesen. Wir können unsere Herausforderungen alleine und auf unsere Weise meistern. China ist nicht unser Feind, sondern angloamerikanische Kräfte, die fremde Völker beherrschen wollen. Teile und herrsche. Diese Strategie erprobten die Briten und das Imperium versucht das nun im Versailles-Europa.

Wer nicht weiß, wovon ich rede, lese Zbigniew Brzeziński, bevor er seine Stimme erhebe. Austausch mit Anderen ist zwar gut, lenkt aber vom Ziel ab.

Chinas neue Seidenstraße ist gut für Eurasien --- und "America first" ist gut für die USA, aber nicht gut für die Nachbarn in Kanada und Mexiko.

Die Zukunft liegt im Osten!!!
Und da bin ich gerade.

Ich denke zudem, dass die Freunde Deutschlands weder in Frankreich noch in England/Amerika sind. Vor allem die Führer dieser drei Nationen brachten Deutschland noch nie etwas Gutes. Die Einen stehlen ständig Land und die Anderen wollen nur Geld und Deutschland am Boden sehen. Ein Blick in die reale Geschichte und nicht in gefälschte Geschichtsbücher zeigt das ganz klar. Deutschland war vor vielen, vielen Jahren das geistige Zentrum Europas. Im Bündnis mit Russland können wir unser eigenes europäisches Haus mit nationaler Vielfalt aufbauen.

Die Zukunft liegt im Osten und da spielt der Westen keine Rolle mehr. Das untergehende Imperium wehrt sich zwar dagegen, aber fremde Götter wurden noch nie alt!