Yes, we can certainly agree on that. The age old battle between good and evil. What is right and what is wrong ... What is life affirming and that which is most certainly not ...
Lots of different ways to express more or less the same idea.
"But I really appreciate the honest exchange of thoughts. Thank you for that."
Thank you for letting me know that. Happy to engage with you!
You ask valid questions. I am willing to invest my time in trying to answer them, as much as that is possible, if that truly has some value to you.
If you don't mind, please answer these 3 questions, then we'll go from there:
There is nothing, at this stage of my life, I value more than my time.
Please provide me at least some idea of what value you place in having this ... "conversation."
Note: This is the best way I can come up with to ask. If you prefer a different way of expressing it, that is perfectly understandable and just fine.
If I say the word "know" and the word "believe" are different, what does that mean to you? From your viewpoint, as I am seeking to "see through your eyes" a bit, so that I might better understand how to answer your questions. I ask out of respect for your time, as much as my own ...
Earlier I mentioned "system of belief." Those words mean something to me and, based on that, I might ask you how you would describe your system of belief. Again, if you prefer a different way of expressing it, that is fine.
I will "listen" ...
And ... One more request. If you choose to answer these questions, please respond to this somewhere under one of your posts, of your choosing, and provide me a link in it. I ask simply to apply at least a little "Hive etiquette" here, as I am not sure Zuerich wants this thread under his post about Germany.
I am just trying to understand.
So I need to look at the base under the stand.
But now I wonder why you need to understand me first to formulate your view?
Do think this is also a fight? And is it coming from "I need to understand my enemy"?
Although I respect your request and time - I also can't stop wondering and trying to understand.
Is that not what I am here for?
And also this place, Hive, is it not for exchange? Of ideas?
Or only to do it when it is worth it?
I also do not know if you are worth my time. I've made a lot of bad experiences here in that.
And wasted a lot of time trying to explain while others did not even care.
I do care. And I've voted your comment to show it.
Also we can change the place of conversation.
And while I also do not have much time rn (having a complete life restart in another country)
I can tell you I'm more into gnosis - making experiences and learning knowledge gnosis from alive life "itself" directly by the individual himself -
than knowledge, beliefs, prophecies.
So it probably is more like a feeling. And I'm unsure if pure knowledge (not depending on situation, context, perspective,...) can even be formulated.. brought into some external human form.
I also think we are in an alive dream and everyone is part of creating it. So there will also always be new "prophets" and discoveries and no closed story.
Even if people try to force, trigger, provocate self fulfilling prophecy.
Yes, we can certainly agree on that. The age old battle between good and evil. What is right and what is wrong ... What is life affirming and that which is most certainly not ...
Lots of different ways to express more or less the same idea.
Thank you for letting me know that. Happy to engage with you!
But how do you know your authority is the right authority?
Not just some other dumb people claiming that.
Like all other authority that is not ur authority?
I cannot see how an authority can be right while also claiming moral authority and judging and simultaneously punishing people who do not agree.
How can something not voluntary be right?
And how can someone claim to be good while also coercing, judging, punishing who does not agree?
So how do you know your authority is the right authority?
And not just trying to perpetuate its power.
You ask valid questions. I am willing to invest my time in trying to answer them, as much as that is possible, if that truly has some value to you.
If you don't mind, please answer these 3 questions, then we'll go from there:
Note: This is the best way I can come up with to ask. If you prefer a different way of expressing it, that is perfectly understandable and just fine.
And ... One more request. If you choose to answer these questions, please respond to this somewhere under one of your posts, of your choosing, and provide me a link in it. I ask simply to apply at least a little "Hive etiquette" here, as I am not sure Zuerich wants this thread under his post about Germany.
I am just trying to understand.
So I need to look at the base under the stand.
But now I wonder why you need to understand me first to formulate your view?
Do think this is also a fight? And is it coming from "I need to understand my enemy"?
Although I respect your request and time - I also can't stop wondering and trying to understand.
Is that not what I am here for?
And also this place, Hive, is it not for exchange? Of ideas?
Or only to do it when it is worth it?
I also do not know if you are worth my time. I've made a lot of bad experiences here in that.
And wasted a lot of time trying to explain while others did not even care.
I do care. And I've voted your comment to show it.
Also we can change the place of conversation.
And while I also do not have much time rn (having a complete life restart in another country)
I can tell you I'm more into gnosis - making experiences and learning knowledge gnosis from alive life "itself" directly by the individual himself -
than knowledge, beliefs, prophecies.
So it probably is more like a feeling. And I'm unsure if pure knowledge (not depending on situation, context, perspective,...) can even be formulated.. brought into some external human form.
I also think we are in an alive dream and everyone is part of creating it. So there will also always be new "prophets" and discoveries and no closed story.
Even if people try to force, trigger, provocate self fulfilling prophecy.
I hope that helps.