Dear newbies

in #deutsch4 years ago (edited)

I’ve recognized a relevant increase in new Hiveans (both in numbers and from the introduceyourself posts). That‘s why I want to address them with this post.


Dear Newbies,

Great to have you on board!

As I‘ve been on Hive for some time, experiencing ups and downs and making some good and some bad decisions along this journey, I‘ll try to summarize my learnings / (subjective) insights here and hope you find them helpful:

  • In my opinion, Hive is a great advancement for social media and a great network with phantastic opportunities. Hive offers
    • direct rewards for content producers via the Hive token
    • no censorship
    • direct intellectual and monetary feedback between content producers and consumers
    • ability to buy a stake in this network (aligning long-term incentives), further contribute to its development and profit from its growth (compare that to antiquated models such as Facebook or Twitter)
    • a staunch community (battle-hardened through an intense bear market), dedicated to improving this open network and to creating a welcoming space for writers, artists and unconventional thinkers of any provenance (geographically and ideologically)
  • Consistency pays (
    writing regularly (ideally daily) helps you reap lots of benefits because you
    • improve your writing / art (as I already wrote here)
    • can earn Hive, accumulate Hive Power, earn interest and curate other Hivean's work
    • gain followers which increases your range which increases your chance for rehives and even more followers.
  • BUT here are some caveats:
    • Publishing posts on Hive is not a sure-fire success.
    • It will take time to grow your personal community.
    • There may (probably) come times when the Hive price will fluctuate wildly.

  • Further advice:
    • It helps a lot to actively catch the attention of curators (by looking for them, e.g. via, by writing deliberated comments on their posts, or by tagging them (but not excessively).
    • Writing an informative and enjoyable introduceyourself helps to present yourself to the Hive community.
    • It helps to tell nyHers (not-yet-Hivers) of this great ecosystem and community. People who come to Hive by your recommendation will probably follow you and you'll already have a small community.
    • It may help to join communities ( you are interested in and to which you can bring content and value with your posts.
    • Suitable tags (topics) for your posts help readers to find your post easily.
    • If you believe that Hive is the medium of the future (I do think that), holding and powering up earned Hives for the long term could prove to be beneficial (no investment advice).


I wish you lots of fun and success within our community.
Have a great day,

P.S. Tiny delegation for newbies: I‘d like to make 10 delegations à 100 Hive Power. Who’s interested?

Ich habe eine deutliche Zunahme an neuen Hivern festgestellt (sowohl zahlenmäßig als auch durch die introduceyourself-Beiträge). Deshalb möchte ich sie mit diesem Beitrag ansprechen.


Liebe Newbies,

schön, dass Ihr an Bord seid!

Da ich seit einiger Zeit bei Hive bin, Höhen und Tiefen erlebt habe und auf dieser Reise einige gute und einige schlechte Entscheidungen getroffen habe, möchte ich versuchen, meine (subjektiven) Erkenntnisse hier zusammenzufassen und hoffe, dass Ihr sie hilfreich findet:

  • Meiner Meinung nach ist Hive eine großartige Weiterentwicklung für soziale Medien und ein tolles Netzwerk mit phantastischen Möglichkeiten. Hive bietet
    • eine direkte Belohnung für Post-Creators per Hive-Token
    • keine Zensurmöglichkeit
    • ein direktes (intellektuelles und monetäres) Feedback zwischen Inhaltsproduzenten und -Konsumenten
    • die Möglichkeit, einen Anteil an diesem Netzwerk zu erwerben, weiter zu seiner Entwicklung beizutragen und von seinem Wachstum zu profitieren (ganz im Gegensatz zu veralteten Modellen wie Facebook oder Twitter)
    • eine überzeugte Community (kampferprobt durch einen intensiven Bärenmarkt), die sich der Verbesserung dieses offenen Netzwerks widmet und einen offenen Raum für Schriftsteller, Künstler und Querdenker jeglicher Herkunft (geografisch und ideologisch) schafft
  • Konsistenz lohnt sich (
    Regelmäßiges (idealerweise tägliches) Schreiben bringt viele Vorteile, weil
    • Du Dein Schreiben / Deine Kunst verbessern kannst (wie ich hier schon schrieb)
    • Du die Möglichkeit hast, Hive zu verdienen, Hive Power zu akkumulieren, Zinsen zu verdienen und die Arbeit anderer Hiver zu kuratieren
    • Du damit Follower gewinnst, was deine Reichweite erhöht, was wiederum deine Chance auf mehr Hive und noch mehr Follower erhöht.
  • ABER hier einige warnende Hinweise:
    • Die Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen auf Hive ist kein Garant für Erfolg.
    • Der Aufbau Deiner persönlichen Community kann Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
    • Es kann (wahrscheinlich) Zeiten geben, in denen der Hive-Preis stark schwankt.

  • Weitere Tipps:
    • Es hilft sehr, Kuratoren aktiv auf sich aufmerksam zu machen (indem man sie sucht, z.B. über, indem man gezielte Kommentare zu ihren Beiträgen schreibt oder indem man sie taggt (aber nicht übermäßig).
    • Das Verfassen eines informativen und unterhaltsamen introduceyourself hilft, sich der Hive-Gemeinschaft zu präsentieren.
    • Es hilft, nyHers (Noch-Nicht-Hivers) von diesem großartigen Ökosystem und dieser Gemeinschaft zu erzählen. Leute, die durch Deine Empfehlung zu Hive kommen, werden dir wahrscheinlich followen und schon hast Du eine kleine Community.
    • Es kann helfen, Communities ( beizutreten, Die Dich interessieren und zu denen Du mit Deinen Beiträgen wertvollen Content beitragen kannst.
    • Passende Tags (Topics) zu Deinen Beiträgen helfen den Lesern, Deinen Post leicht zu finden.
    • Wenn Du glaubst, dass Hive das Medium der Zukunft ist (ich denke das), könnte es sich als vorteilhaft erweisen, verdiente Hives langfristig zu halten und upzupowern (das ist keine Anlageberatung).


Ich wünsche Dir viel Spaß und Erfolg in unserer Gemeinschaft.
Have a great day!

P.S. Kleine Delegation für Newbies: Ich würde gerne 10 Delegationen à 100 Hive Power machen. Wer hat Interesse?

He reconocido un aumento relevante de nuevos Hiveanos (tanto en número como por los posts de introduceyourself). Por eso quiero dirigirme a ellos con este post.


Queridos novatos,

Es un placer teneros a bordo.

Como he estado en Hive durante algún tiempo, experimentando altibajos y tomando algunas decisiones buenas y algunas malas a lo largo de este viaje, voy a tratar de resumir mis aprendizajes / (subjetivo) puntos de vista aquí y espero que los encuentren útiles:

  • En mi opinión, Hive es un gran avance para los medios sociales y una gran red con fantásticas oportunidades. Hive ofrece
    • recompensas directas para los productores de contenidos a través del token Hive
    • no hay censura
    • retroalimentación intelectual y monetaria directa entre los productores de contenidos y los consumidores
    • posibilidad de comprar una participación en esta red (alineando los incentivos a largo plazo), contribuir a su desarrollo y beneficiarse de su crecimiento (compárese con modelos anticuados como Facebook o Twitter)
    • una comunidad firme (curtida en un intenso mercado bajista), dedicada a mejorar esta red abierta y a crear un espacio acogedor para escritores, artistas y pensadores no convencionales de cualquier procedencia (geográfica e ideológica)
  • La constancia se paga (
    escribir con regularidad (idealmente a diario) te ayuda a cosechar muchos beneficios porque
    • mejoras tu escritura/arte (como ya escribí aquí)
    • puedes ganar Hive, acumular Hive Power, ganar intereses y curar el trabajo de otros Hivean
    • ganar seguidores, lo que aumenta tu rango, lo que aumenta tu posibilidad de obtener colmenas y aún más seguidores.
  • PERO aquí hay algunas advertencias:
    • Publicar posts en Hive no es un éxito seguro.
    • Te llevará tiempo hacer crecer tu comunidad personal.
    • Es posible que (probablemente) lleguen momentos en los que el precio de Hive fluctúe mucho.

  • Otros consejos:
    • Ayuda mucho captar activamente la atención de los curadores (buscándolos, por ejemplo, a través de, escribiendo comentarios deliberados en sus publicaciones o etiquetándolos (pero no excesivamente).
    • Escribir una presentación informativa y agradable ayuda a presentarse a la comunidad Hive.
    • Ayuda a contarles a los nyHers (no-hivers) este gran ecosistema y comunidad. La gente que llegue a Hive por tu recomendación probablemente te seguirá y ya tendrás una pequeña comunidad.
    • Te puede ayudar unirte a comunidades ( que te interesen y a las que puedas aportar contenido y valor con tus posts.
    • Unas etiquetas (temas) adecuadas para tus posts ayudan a los lectores a encontrarlos fácilmente.
    • Si crees que Hive es el medio del futuro (yo sí lo creo), mantener y potenciar los Hives ganados a largo plazo podría resultar beneficioso (no es un consejo de inversión).


Te deseo mucha diversión y éxito dentro de nuestra comunidad.
Que tengas un buen día,

P.D. Pequeña delegación para los novatos: Me gustaría hacer 10 delegaciones à 100 Hive Power. ¿Quién está interesado?


Sehr gut, gibt aucu von mir einen Rehive 👍

Helpful and rehived :-)

Thanks a lot! 😊

Very helpful and informative content worth reading over and over. Rehived:-)

Thanks a lot! 😀

you're welcome sir😊

The word delegation made my mouth watered. Mmmmmmm. I am not newbie now, I guess (as I joined in May and started working in June). It makes me 3 months old here. Hehe... I am still in the struggling phase though and thanks to your support @zuerich , you always drop a ❤ on my posts.

There is no doubt that consistency pays a big reward. I am trying to be consistent but my routine doesn't allow me to be as active as I want. I hope I will be able to bring more of my quality work consistently on hive blockchain.

Thank you once again for sharing such a practical advice.🌷 it will surely help the newbies progress

Thanks for your comment!
As I appreciate your commitment (and as the demand for delegations was rather low) I just delegated some HP to you.
Have a great day 😀

Oh! Thank you so much, sir. It is a surprise.

This. Is for you as a gesture of thanks ❤

You‘re welcome, and thanks 😀

Hi thank you for the up vote on my introduction post. I actually found this post via that, and I've got a feeling it's got some really good advice in it. I'm still learning hive and how it works, and honestly a little confused by some of the elements.

Thanks for your comment!
I'm glad if my post helps. If you have questions, just ask 😀

Dieser Graph ist wirklich unglaublich beeindruckend. 😄

Ich bin gespannt, wie lange dieser Trend noch anhält. 😊

Great post. When I come across newbies I will refer them to this. Good guidance.

thank you zuerich for your insights! I recently started with Hive and I'm learning a lot. Cheers!

Rehived because this is excellent -- I will use this as a resource in a presentation on Hive I am making next month! Thank you for doing this!

Thank you! And, you're welcome.

Hallo Zuerich,
Danke für deine vielen Tipps! Für mich ist es am spannendsten die ganzen Funktionen herauszufinden, was was bedeutet und wie das mit der Blockchain funktioniert. Arbeite mich da grad ein.
Was deine Frage betrifft: ich hätte Interesse an der HP Delegation, wenn ich das richtig verstehe hilft einem das beim Posten hier, oder?
Viele Grüße

Hi Thomas, danke für Deinen Kommentar! Ja, genau, damit kannst Du leichter posten und kommentieren. Ich habe Dir mal 100 HP delegiert.
Viel Spass und Erfolg auf Hive! 🤠

👏🏻😊 Klasse! Vielen Dank!

That's some serious parabolic growth according to the cart posted here, hope it keeps up. I'm new here as well, thanks for the info, it's all a little confusing.

It is really helpful for a newbie like me. Thank you so much for sharing these advices🙏

You're welcome. And, thanks for your comment!

@ninasophia and @exoexplorer - I thought both of you might really enjoy this post! Blessings!

Ah yes finally a post specially for newbies like me haha! Though I'm still struggling with the terms used in these platforms, your post is really helpful, thx for the advice :)

Great you like it!
If you have questions, just ask ;-)

Since you offered, I'm going to ask away hohoho pls don't regret (I might have too many questions though... maybe it can become your new blog ahahaha ). I tried researching for all the questions I had but I still can't seem to understand how the small details work. So here we go:

  • I'm still quite unsure what does delegating your hive to other people do? Isit part of curation?
  • Does curating mean voting for people's blog?
  • How does the system decide how much vote value one can give? Or are we supposed to decide for ourselves because I saw my voting power decrease after I voted but there was no option for me to decide whether I want to vote 100% or 10%. (I saw in some of my posts there was a notification that said someone like your post eg 2% how was that decided?)
  • does the sequence of #tag affect where the blog would go?
  • Does voting in different platform affect what would be given to the content creator? eg if someone vote in splintertalk and in hive what would be given to me? because I notice in splintertalk when I have spt, I might not have hive value when people vote them. Here is one example:

I know that spt and hive power are different but still quite confused by the different platform payments. I did my research and still can't wrap my head around them but I know that I will slowly understand. However, with the help of you, I think I will understand faster? Thank you for the help hehe ;)

  • I'm still quite unsure what does delegating your hive to other people do? Isit part of curation?

    • Delegating Hive Power to others enables them to post and comment more. Plus, they can use these HP to upvote other Hiveans' content.
  • Does curating mean voting for people's blog?

    • Yes, curating means upvoting other people's content, so that they earn rewards.
  • How does the system decide how much vote value one can give? Or are we supposed to decide for ourselves because I saw my voting power decrease after I voted but there was no option for me to decide whether I want to vote 100% or 10%. (I saw in some of my posts there was a notification that said someone like your post eg 2% how was that decided?)

    • How much rewards result from your upvote depends on your amount of HP, and you can (at least if you vote via decide with how much percentage you vote, as you can see here:
  • does the sequence of #tag affect where the blog would go?

    • the sequence of #tag does play a role, but I don't know how exactly.
  • Does voting in different platform affect what would be given to the content creator? eg if someone vote in splintertalk and in hive what would be given to me? because I notice in splintertalk when I have spt, I might not have hive value when people vote them.

    • I haven't used splintertalk, but I think that the low value results from the low Hive Power your upvoters have.

I hope I could help.
Cheers, zuerich

awwiee thx alot!! That's really some effort right there and I really appreciate it! Of course it helped me hehe

Come to discord the terminal if you still in need of help @deathstarer7

Danke und Rehived :)
Sehr nützliche Information. Es ist auch spannend zu sehen, daß so viele neue User auf die Plattform kommen. Ich hoffe ja, das HIVE durchstartet! Habe ein gutes Gefühl.

Definitely a must read for newbies. It took me about three years until I reached the level of decently monetizing my content. Hive is definitely not a one shot type of social media.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ein sehr guter und hilfreicher Post. Gerade für Newbies!

Stimme Dir zu 100 % zu.

LG Michael


Thanks for sharing. This post was much needed as I am a newbie here.😄

Thanks for your comment! And, you're welcome.

This is some very practical advice.
Consistency is the key.
Take the ups and down in your stride and keep working away.
I have found that works really well.
Comment, comment comment, don't spam.
Ensure your that your comments are not generic and make sense.
Welcome aboard to Hive.

Competent advice is never superfluous. With great pleasure I read your post for which many thanks to you. I will study, this is the best thing left for me to do on the Hive blockchain. I wish you success and all the best.

How can i get a delagation? :D

a helpful post. Thanks for your sharing.

Hello. Thank you so much for your support with your great article.🌸

You‘re very welcome 😊


Great post for newbies and reminder for the rest of us.


Great post for a newbie like me

@mima2606 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@mima2606 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

Great idea to do a blog, I hope all take the time to read it. It’s one of the reasons I started helping out and helping the new arrivals with advice and opened up the terminal , hive can be daunting in the beginning, well blockchain in a total can be.

The ten new arrivals that see this opportunity to earn a delegation are worth it. Good luck and have a great weekend

Tolled Idee! , einen Blog zu machen, ich hoffe, alle nehmen sich die Zeit, ihn zu lesen. Dies ist einer der Gründe, warum ich angefangen habe, den Neuankömmlingen mit Ratschlägen zu helfen und das Terminal zu öffnen.

Die zehn Neuankömmlinge, die diese Chance sehen, eine Delegation zu bekommen, sind es wert. Viel Glück und ein schönes Wochenende
