Russia on its back, and memes

in #deutsch7 months ago
Dear HiveansLiebe HiverQueridos Hiveanos
Today I powered up 20k HP. Hive on!Heute habe ich 20k HP upgepowert. Hive on!Hoy he subido 20k HP. ¡Hive on!
Besides that I just want to share some memes (mostly about Ukraine's push into Russia, first towards Kursk, later onto Moscow) with you. Bring an end to evil empires!Außerdem möchte ich einige Memes (hauptsächlich über den Vorstoß der Ukraine nach Russland, zunächst nach Kursk, später nach Moskau) mit euch teilen. Schluss mit aggressiven Imperien!Aparte de eso, sólo quiero compartir con vosotros algunos memes (sobre todo acerca del empuje de Ucrania hacia Rusia, primero hacia Kursk y después hacia Moscú). ¡Acabemos con los imperios del mal!
And here a great article about the Soviets' anti-Semite propaganda that is, unfortunately, still very much alive: zombie anti-zionismUnd hier ein großartiger Artikel über die antisemitische Propaganda der Sowjets, die leider immer noch sehr lebendig ist: zombie anti-zionismY aquí un gran artículo sobre la propaganda antisemita soviética que, por desgracia, sigue muy viva: antisionismo zombi


Have a great day,


Guten tag! Dear @zuerich !

Do you think Putin will lose?

Und heute ATACMS. Kommt nun eine nukleare Reaktion? Ich glaube, ich bin mal die nächsten 2 Monate krank geschrieben


This is really funny and a huge turn around of events. Putin's overconfidence is about to burn him and the Russian army with it. Hope you're having a great weekend over there 🤗

The memes are golden 😭😭😂😂😂

They really are, lol!

These are some fine memes. I can tell because up until the last few, which cooled my jets, they caused uncomfortable cognitive dissonance. I note that my consideration of this discomfort suggests the best data, that the Ukraine had delivered a very painful blow to Russia despite my expectation that would not happen, and instead expected that the advance of Russian forces into the Ukraine would continue unabated (which it has. The excursion of Ukrainian forces into Russia is the result of the Ukraine assembling the requisite force for that assault instead of defending from the Russian attacks across the advancing front). The Ukraine opening a new front in the war was unexpected by me, and this suggests I should not seek a career in military service, since it is not a particularly novel or unpredictable tactic.

I find that cognitive dissonance insuperable, and deeply appreciate being alerted by it, through my reaction to the memes you published herein, to my unacceptable comfort with Russia taking clay, which it will continue to do, but which I should not at all be comfortable with because Russia is a corrupt shithole quite comparable to the Ukraine, the EU, and the US. Given the ubiquitous corruption, totalitarian oppression of plebs (such as myself), and the continuing genocidal medical crimes against humanity ongoing in all substantial polities, such comfort at conquest of one over another suggests I have lost any expectation of victory over such kakastocracies that should be my sole political goal and the only outcome with which I am comfortable. Clearly, I have to recover my intransigence and lifelong determination to seek liberty, rather than seeming to settle for any of the crimelords involved.

I have been distracted from these political developments by events in my own life, which have been compelling lately. While I managed a good swap of HBD to Hive, that's about the extent of moves I can make presently to respond to external events, and I really should pay less attention to these things, which you have pointed out rather poignantly with some clever memes.


Regardless of who you want to ‘win’, it is important to be realistic. Ultimately, everyone decides on the basis of their own perception who they trust to be more professional in warfare. Which heads of government have cold intelligence and which do not.

The EU parliamentarians, just like the left-wing socialist green national governments, seem to suffer from a complete overestimation of their own abilities, similar to the Nazis, who, although the war was already considered lost, were still talking about victory. The fact is that Russia has taken the parts of Ukraine that it has taken and is continuing to advance. The fact is that billions in support in terms of weapons and manpower from the EU and the USA have so far achieved nothing but a prolongation of the war (civilians and soldiers killed), as Zelensky continues to go on begging tours around the world.

Another fact is that the sanctions have only slightly harmed Russia, but have done much more damage to the EU and Germany in particular, as we now have to buy our energy supplies here more expensively and our economy cripples as a result of this and else beaureaucratic nonsense. Nevertheless, Russia has still granted us some of its gas supplies via detours. It's just that parts of the population, who continue to remain uninformed, are unaware of this.

After more than two years, no significant successes have been achieved against Russia that would allow us to speak of any kind of superiority in Ukrainian warfare. Since they have mainly defended themselves so far. If the EU and the USA are as strong militarily and economically as we are supposed to believe, why have their sanctions not had a clearer effect and why has Ukraine not succeeded in launching an effective counter-attack in its own country?

Apart from all this, if you listen to the public speeches of German federal politicians, you have to realise that they are barely able to speak a coherent sentence and are obviously lying or just spouting phrases. It is almost unbearable to watch. Our so-called Foreign Minister delivered such an embarrassing performance at the last UN Security Council conference that you can only watch in disbelief as she talks about Russia and Putin for several minutes and makes a complete fool of herself in the process. When I heard her, I thought for a moment that she seemed to be viewing the whole situation like some kind of Hollywood film in which she gets her two minutes of fame by saying with a hate-filled face that "Putin is hiding behind teenage girls." And in her mind, the story seemed to continue, like being Supergirl, who steps onto the corpse of a mean man, the crowds cheering towards her.

One can think what one likes about military, but in war, those who understand weapons and warfare are the only ones who can explain a real threat to politicians. If the military apparatus assumes that if the EU and the USA go too far out on a limb, the reaction is not only very likely, but will certainly come, then they will pass this on to the politicians, like Pentagon did just shortly. Not because they are such good people, but because they also want to enjoy a sunny retirement and a third world war would spoil it for them. At least according to the information, which of course I can't check for accuracy, the Pentagon told the Biden administration that if they authorise missiles from European soil, Russia will in turn attack American weapons bases, but on US ground. Supposedly they included a hit list here. So, the result was here, that Russia is not bluffing.

At the moment, the EU Parliament has agreed that the EU should continue to supply weapons, continue to invest in the war and continue to fight, to support Ukraine by now providing long-range missiles and giving their authorisation codes to launch them into Russian territory. So unless someone from the military comes and tells each and every one of the MEPs that this will definitely trigger a third world war, unless someone scares them properly and makes it crystal clear to them that no matter where they are, they are not rich enough to survive a third world war, these people will hold on to their misjudgements, as it looks.

However, such an agreement in the EU is not yet the definitive and de facto start of the launch of long-range missiles; the respective heads of government of the European countries must first agree to this. Not using this window of opportunity and not scaring the rulers to such an extent that they will ultimately give not the go-ahead for the launch will be the only measure to save us from the worst of the worst.

Since those EU members who hold onto their insanity, seemingly do not maintain an open communication channel to the Russian government and high ranking representatives, my only hope is that the military does and that some form of communication is going on between them and us. All else must be called utter madness.

"If the EU and the USA are as strong militarily and economically as we are supposed to believe, why have their sanctions not had a clearer effect and why has Ukraine not succeeded in launching an effective counter-attack in its own country?"

That is a good question, and it has an answer that no one in the West should like at all.

"...utter madness."

Highly profitable madness. Smedley V. Butler well explained such madness and the 1000% profit margins lenders and boot makers attain by it.


Comic Sans walks into a pub
The bartender shouts Geto out of my pub! We don’t serve your type!

Credit: ifiwasfrank
$LOLZ on behalf of memehive

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The meme are actually out of this world

This all seems funny @zuerich. Anyways qui sera sera