It's about the Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars worth of Steem that MULTIPLE accounts have been moving back & forth between Steemit & their Exchange acct on Bittrex. ADD IT UP.
MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of $$$ every month being Milked off the Steemit Platform & possible Money Laundering as well. All by passing the banks & immediate IRS targets- if done with the banks.
I found one- just one account of @berniesanders that took over $17,000 off Steemit & into his Bittrex Account in October/November. How many accounts does BERNIE Control?
@berniesanmders has at least 100 accounts that can easily be traced to him. I've read some of the techies claim @berniesanders has over 1,000 accounts Milking Steemit. AND the @berniesanders GOT IN at the SAME time as NED & the founders of Steemit. That @berniesanders & other Whales you've been Following & kissing up to looking for handouts- WERE ALL IN EARLY ON AT STEEMIT's CREATION. They just Rebranded & made it look like they were Ordinary People who Just Happened to Join Steemit Early On. NO! Many Whales were in at the INCEPTION!
You have no idea how much $$$ is being Both Milked off Steemit & using Steemit as a platform to MOVE funds around Between Different PEOPLE.
Steemit was designed from it's inception to do this. NOT to last as a Social Media Platform.
(It's was also Designed from it's inception to act as a fund raiser & advert for DAN LARIMERS EOS. They had Steemit as part of their EOS PLAN. EOS did not come along after Steemit. The PLAN & Idea for BOTH were launched at the EXACT SAME TIME. The Exact same time- that COINCIDED with BITCOIN's Bull Run to $20K. All the LONG TIMERS in BTC who are worth their salt said then & still say today- BTC never should have went about $10K. The rise to $10K was within realms as part of an UNMANIPULATED CYCLE. But they said richard heart, andrew desantis, tone vays among others- that PAST $10K BTC was ARTIFICALLY BEING PUMPED UP.
The Deep State Planed on Hillary winning office . They were going to crash the $ dollar if she did & FORCE everyone into the FED's CRYPTO. So they wanted to TEST OUT just how Fast they could pump up the Crypto system & test the whole thing out & see how it all worked. In addition they would get to MILK to American Public for even more $$$$- when they then crashed it. Also the nice PUMP & HYPE worked into EOS Favor-0 to get the people to buy into EOS. EOS is Pure DEEP STATE- AGAINST TRUMP. And Steemit was meant as nothing more than a LAUNCHBOARD for an even bigger scam of $$$- called EOS!
If that Horde gets past the USA Border, MORE WILL FOLLOW, IT WON'T STOP.
It will create CHAOS in the USA. Trump Already has his hands full. Our streets in the main cities are full of homeless & crime now. Most families are broken & working POOR. They're barely hanging on & making ends meet. We have ROBOTS & other increased automation planned to layoff millions more Americans.
If that Horde gets thru the border & all the world sees that, china, Russia, the Suicide Bombers from the Middle east & all the SOUTH AMERICAN & CENTRAL AMERICAN GANG MEMBERS- with their DRUGS & PROSTITUTION RINGS- Flood their AGENTS into the USA.
It is the trogan horse to Fucking Kill the USA, it might literally bring us to our knees & serve the USA on a silver platter to the Globalists.
If that happens- NONE of your CRYTPO will be worth SHIT.
No More Pumps- Not one chance to make $ in Crypto. Because the BIS Bank International settlement & the central banker will install their Electronic Crypto when ready & because the USA & The Dollar has fallen- people will have no CHOICE but to use it.
I'm not a Trump Ass Kisser.
He wants to get as much $$$ out of the USA into a Little Barron's Trust Fund & Princess Ivanka's Hands as he can. But one thing I'm pretty sure is TRUMP STILL WANTS AMERICA to EXIST as a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY, With some semblance of a LIFE here for the people.
Call me a "Racist Cunt" who has to get off Steemit so your minions & the peasants believe it.
IT'S NOT ABOUT FUCKING RACE, or Immigrants - or POOR CENTRAL AMERICANS Trying for a chance at a Better Life.
They're using the Immigrants as Pawns- & mass migration as a means of war to destabilize a country & bring it down to it's knees.
They care so much for the poor immigrants, the same people who say PIZZAGATE & PEDOGATE do not exist. Who says that BERNIESANDERS! who has been on Steemit since early on as an INSIDER! Also Viraldrome said SAME THINGs & this Fucker is selling pot - advertising it on steemit.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING. It's ok to let them STORM THE BORDER with those KIDS? Where those kids going to wind up- how do we even KNOW those kids are with relatives, instead of HUMAN ABDUCTORS?
Side note- not directly related- And the GitHub repository- where all the WHITE PAPERS & OPEN SOURCE Crypto code is posted & stored? Stared by none other than Jared Kushner's brother- Ivanka Trumps- Husband's brother. He recently sold for like half a billion $ $500 Million.
If the Skirmish at the Border can be avoided,
If the Majority of the CARAVAN is turned away & there are no DEAD BABIES shot By Trumps Military Orders- All Over TV to further incite the NPC Antifa Fuks- then its going to be a SLOWER DEMOLITION of the USA. Which Means Crypto have another shot of mooning for another round of pump & dump.
So any of you bitches still holding crypto bags down 80%-90% might have another chance of unloading that shit for a PROFIT onto the Next Round of Fools.
It the border is BROKEN, Mas Chaos & all Bets are OFF. = YOUR CRYPTO AIN'T WORTH SHIT! U Fucked!
Watch Food prices Rise even more at the Grocery Store.
All these Nice pleasant little Non-Racist People here on steemit & thru -out america, who are in th middle- they Neither Support Hillary or Trump. And they feel bad for the Immigrants at Border & still think MAYBE we should let them in & I should not talk the way I do.
WAIT TILL 8- MOnths after the 1st Caravan Breeches the border- Millions more will follow. They will see theri cities & towns fill up with more HISPANIC IMMIGRANTS, the Crime, The UNSAFE FEELING WHEN just walking around & going about your nornal day to work, to the store,, to home- UNSAFE- their neighborhoods may not be flooded with VIOLENCE- but they will be what you call ROUGH.
Everyone knows the next step past ROUGH. So their Neighborhoods get ROUGH & they see HOW SKY FUCKING HIGH THE GROCERY BILLS ARE when they JACK up Food prices even more!!!!!
This is not some Just some incoherent unrelated diatribe & rambling of a racist LOONY here.
It's Not @berniesanders who is Taking It up the ass, like I wrote in my POSTS about him.
But @berniesanders PLAN is for ALL THE REST OF YOU TO TAKE IT UP THE ASS!
But What would I know. I'm just peasant. On whose already been flagged off here.