Hello folks,
today i found a bug so that the script doesn't get the correct "Estimated Value" when the card has a level greater 1 or more than 1 xp(combined cards).
To fix the issue, just replace the foreach loop with the following lines:
foreach ($card in ($cardCollection | where { $_.edition -ne 6 }))
$cardKey = [string]::Format("{0}::{1}::{2}", $card.card_detail_id, $card.gold, $card.xp);
$tempCard = $cardArray | where { $_.Key -eq $cardKey } | select -First 1;
if ($tempCard -eq $null)
$responseCardInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ([string]::Format("https://api2.splinterlands.com/cards/find?ids={0}", $card.uid));
$lowPriceBcx = -1.0;
$cardSaleGroup = ($cardsForSale | where { ($_.card_detail_id -eq $card.card_detail_id) -and ($_.gold -eq $card.gold) -and ($_.level -eq $card.level) });
if ($cardSaleGroup -eq $null)
$cardSaleGroup = ($cardsForSale | where { ($_.card_detail_id -eq $card.card_detail_id) -and ($_.gold -eq $card.gold) });
$lowPriceBcx = $cardSaleGroup.low_price_bcx * $card.xp;
$lowPriceBcx = $card.level -gt 1 ? $cardSaleGroup.low_price_bcx : $cardSaleGroup.low_price_bcx * $card.xp;
$cardArray += [PSCustomObject]@{
Key = $cardKey
Id = $card.card_detail_id
Name = $responseCardInfo.details.name
XP = $card.xp
"Gold Foil" = $card.gold ? "Yes" : "No"
"Estimated Value in $" = $lowPriceBcx -lt 0.0 ? "unknown" : [string]::Format("{0:0.000}", $lowPriceBcx)
$cardArray += $tempCard;
I will update the post soon too.