I’m not a coder, but this makes perfect sense to me. Sometimes I wish I had gone into engineering. It’s so sensible yet creative. At my company we use Jira, which you mentioned. I love Atlassian products for time/task management.
This is such a great set of tips, @techslut. I learned some things! I didn’t know until reading this what a “linter” is, and I had no idea there were such things as AI code completion tools!
My job takes me into interesting niches. :)
Do you teach? You seem like a natural teacher to me. This was perfectly explained so that even a mildly technical person could easily grasp all the concepts.
Nope. I write content. This particular post was written by a different author on my team, but I syndicate it here regardless as Codota requested that I do. I also write about GMP regulation, GDPR & CCPA, B2B marketing online, ad fraud and mobile device and network security.