Recently Google verified my developer account for Google Play Console, which I guess is definitely a step forward. The hard part now is to find app templates that I then reskin and spam the app store with.
Although that is rather tiresome but given the general vibe of all these apps that are on Apple, Android etc, it does seem to be the de facto approach.
Anyway aside from maybe playing around with some app spam, I mainly got the account because I didn't have one.
As with most social media things I think it can be similar in the dev world. Where a person might not intend to or ever have used something or built for something but at some point you will for no other reason than because.
Obviously if I am going to play with making some apps there are general guidelines that I think already suit me:
- This unfortunately does exclude even the fancy new lynx.js from TikTok
- Probably no material theme
Other rules will be added as I learn what I dislike , I already know for a fact that I dislike React and have not found a single case where it is not the worst option at hand.
Material theme is a rubbish idea that take basic things and tries to "trademark" it. Have a plain blue rectangle? Yeah it is material theme, it has deep philosophical and design considerations.... Blah blah.
It will be cool to get the hang of it all and maybe I will build the ultimate todo app just for me , or I will make games that people hate so much they can't stop watching the ads I spam.
I might report back once I have made my is it a hotdog camera app, totally did not steal that idea.
How can an app tell if it's a hotdog?!?! Are phones eventually going to acquire tastebuds?
Can't wait to see what you decide to make, you really are a great dev :)