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RE: California wildfires connection directed energy weapons burinig America

in #dews9117 years ago

ron peep this video

I found out who George webb really is half this info was already out with lots of red herrings basically Dave acton is really dave douglas and george webb is really david g sweigert or george D sweigert either way they are not brothers and they are not the same person. The whole operation is to censor and control social media peep this book "dave" sweigert wrote who is actually george webb is a mad eup name because he is actually a web designer and it guy. spread the info make a video on it or something. Im looking into who Dave douglas really is he appears to have been in several videos of americas most wanted as a cop but his main job was a camera man but he did random extra work but we knew that. What we didnt know is the name douglas or douglass he appears to live in redding california or thousand oaks still looking he has muddied the records so much to make it look like he had 30 addresses but that is easy to do you just put fake addresses out on any form that asks for your address such as a credit app or a magazine subscription its very easy but certain companies will not delete your real records and will not add the BS ones I'm not telling what those little known comapnies are thoguh to alert the world. peace