DFSCoin Overview -
DFS Coin is a Blockchain Based decentralized platform which allows it's users to compete with each other, for money or ranks virtually, using cryptocurrency i.e. DFS coin for only a minimal charge of .001 DFS per transaction while grabbing the opportunity to earn hugely after winning several games and gives huge profit for users who are playing the game.
DFS platform have a website named as Draftdaily.com which help users to play games and to earn money. Nowadays Fantasy sports have become a Billion Dollar industry participated by Millions of users all around the World on daily basis in order to earn plenty of money . There are two major websites or companies which provides top notch services in Sports Fantasy named Draftsking & FanDuel.
But there is a concern, for every player playing for money, these websites only hold 10% of commission but out of that commission the majority of part goes to the payment transfer companies like Paypal, VISA or Mastercard which reduce the profits of these websites as well as higher charges do imposed on each transaction by players.
What Are Fantasy Sports and Who Can Participate In this ?
Fantasy sports is actually a virtual manifestation of real sports, which means virtual games but are so perfect that you can't even imagine. A person will select players using a Fantasy Sports website account. These players will be selected on the real statistics basis of real players in real sports. after all this process i.e selecting the players and making a complete team which you like, you will have to compete against others player's team in respective sports just like you do in those old school video games but this is more advanced. If your team wins the game, then you'll be rewarded the specific amount of money for that game, if you're playing for money. If you're not playing for money, then your rank will increase after each victory. By this you are making money while playing. Isin't it interesting?
Every single person is allowed to participate no matter what's your age or what are your skills towards those sports. You can learn while playing and soon you can become champion in that game. Not only this you can easily earn money while playing this sports.
DFS Coins-
Users can now trade DFS coins on Coinexchange.io very easily and day by day it is getting more popular.
DFS Coins are the in-built currency of DFS platform which can be used for several purposes within the platform. One can also convert them into other cryptocurrencies and transfer it to exchanges as per their choice.
On their website, DailyDraft, one can simply participate with only 1000 DFS coins in game whose reward pool consist of 450000 DFS coins. People get free DFS just for signing up on this platform and gets 1000 DFS coins for free which is another advantage for getting connected to this platform.
DFS Coins has a total supply of 210 Million out which 42 Million have already pre-mined.
Announcement :
DFSCoin platform has just announced their new DFS social media platform today. It goes into one week closed beta tomorrow by invite only then will be released to the public.
So, go and try it now and become a part of future sports in crypto world.
Great coin with working website and great community.
Definitively undervalued now!
What a great project. i'm in ! To the m00n.