Let's check the horoscope for each sign regarding the full moon in Virgo:
Aries Sun or Ascendant: this Moon falls in your sixth house, your zone of health, body care, productivity and daily routines. You have been living in a certain way for a long time, doing things in the same way over and over again, and you know that that already fulfilled a cycle. This can generate tensions with what your deep dreams and desires (that Pisces season makes you focus on them, and you will have the opportunity to retake them with the new Moon in Pisces). You really want things to take off this time, but you have to understand that, first of all, this will be a time to accept the results you have now, and secondly to plan your next steps a lot because Mercury will be retrograde on March 6th and it will remain that way until March 29th. So, this full Moon helps you to review your material resources thanks to the influence of Mars in Taurus, and the martian energy in this sign does not feel comfortable acting irresponsibly, so you have to sit down to do accounts and see what your economic possibilities will be for before March 6th. On the other hand, Neptune and Mercury, regents of both the Sun and the Moon in this event, are conjunct in Pisces, so it's a great moment for all your thoughts to come out in creative ways (music, painting, poetry, photography, video ). If you want to make a dream come true, a visionboard is ideal for this energy because it will help you see what steps you need to accomplish to reach your goal. You can feel a lot of exhaustion and stress, so disconnect from social networks for a few days, or try not to saturate yourself with so much unnecessary information. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Taurus Sun or Ascendant: this full Moon for you implies the end of some kind of insipient relationship that did not come to bloom. Many things you did not know come to light and it is very difficult not to face the truth. It's a good change, do not worry, you can plant something much better with someone more suitable in the new Moon in Pisces. In addition, with Mars entering your sign, you are not very patient now, but you are with the possibility of facing a project that will make you happy. I'm not going to lie to you, with Mercury going retrograde shortly, things will feel pretty stagnant, but once it goes direct you'll be able to contact other people to see your art and give you a hand either to spread it or associate with you. The triple conjunction Venus-Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn accentuates quite a lot everything I told you about relationships that do not take off, but at the same time it forces you to mature and to set clear limits from the beginning with people. Not all that shines is gold. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Gemini Sun or Ascendant: the full moon in Virgo closes a cycle in your feelings and what happens at home. You may have to move and it may be a bit problematic, but it is preferable that you do so now that you do it with Mercury retrograde after March 6th. You are in a situation similar to that of Taurus, because an important relationship may come to an end, but at least you already knew that this was going to happen, your intuition warned you. It is a good time to throw away things that you no longer use, and renew the spaces of your home, get rid of everything that is obsolete, especially if they are your ex-partner's things or gifts given to you. It would be good if you search the internet or call someone to do a good energetic cleaning, your house is your refuge, and that's why it has to be a place with a lot of balance and peace so you can energize yourself. If you have to have an important conversation with your parents, this is a good time to make things clear, your zone of vulerability (house VIII in Capricorn) is very loaded and you need to transmute what you have inside to free yourself. I know that in recent years you've been meeting great people, but that does not mean they do not have their temper, as long as there are no shortcomings, all is good. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Cancer Sun or Ascendant: a way of thinking or relating to your peers comes to an end. You are not a person of superficial contacts and you are not going to begin to be now, but it is good that you open yourself to other ways of thinking. I know that you analyze everything a thousand times until you are 100% sure that you are on the right path, but now you have a little more confidence to throw yourself into uncertainty. That does not mean that you do not take certain steps, but that a little adventure does not hurt (nothing irresponsible, obviously). But I think that this full moon is very good for you to see things in a more serene light, so that you release control a little and leave your comfort zone. You are very intelligent, nobody discusses that, but there is a big difference between being cautious and being afraid. Which is you? If you do not take a leap of faith for yourself, nobody is going to do it for you. Prepare, study what you need, you can do it if you want to. Perhaps at this time your siblings or cousins (if you have any or both) are not the best counselors. Better plan in silence until March 29th. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Leo Sun or Ascendant: you like to have an iron grip on money and you know how to use it wisely, you are a great administrator if you propose yourself to do so. This is a good time for you to plan your expenses well and adjust if your debts have become larger than you expected. You like the good things, of well known brands, but now you see the consequences of spending too much. You are also a generous person, but you know that many take advantage of that quality of yours, so it is a good time to open your eyes and give your attention and resources to those who really deserve it. Your area of work is quite loaded, you may even feel that you have a boss who behaves with authoritarianism and tyranny, therefore it is a good time to look for a better job perhaps or to put limits with those who correspond. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Virgo Sun or Ascendant: it's been a long time since you've been in the same emotional situation and the changes that are taking place are naturally followed because you know it's the necessary path. If you have planets or angles between degrees from 0 and 12 of Virgo, and from 23 ° of Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio to 10 ° of Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius, then this event touches you particularly close and you will feel more its influence. I know that things seem confusing and generate more doubts than certainties, but in reality the only certainty that is useful is that which one has about oneself and about the path that has been chosen. And the road you were traveling has already expired, your intuition tells you that you can do better, so listen hard.
Libra Sun or Ascendant: this full moon falls in your twelveth house, so there are many issues that end in your life. On one hand, it's good because you can renew yourself, and on the other, letting go is not easy, but in this sense you're a bit like Virgo, it's time for you to give yourself permission to have something better. Your health should be your priority at this time, a medical checkup every so often would not be bad. If there is someone who was talking bad things about you at your work, you will find out who he/she is and why he/she does what he/she does it. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Scorpio Sun or Ascendant: perhaps you are already tired of always seeing the same people or feel that their way of thinking is unclear and you do not like that. So it is a great moment to cut ties with certain people in your surrounding environment, especially if it is a former partner with whom it is no longer possible to continue in a gray area. It is also a good time to review what you earn in your work and see if it is in the possibilities to receive an increase, but do it before Mercury goes retrograde on March 6th. Do not worry if it does not happen now, Mercury in Pisces and in conjunction with Neptune erases with the elbow what it writes with its hand, so you should be seeing results after March 29th, especially when Mercury enters Aries, if your wish is taken into account. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Sagittarius Sun or Ascendant: your professional area is shaken with this event that also affects your home. You were working hard to get results and you should congratulate yourself, but this will not necessarily bring you a promotion now or a better salary. Yes, I can tell you that your work, based on the commitment you have made, will talk a lot about you, and will depend even more if you have planets between the 23rd and 29th degree of Libra, Aquarius or Taurus, and the 0 and 10th of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces. And it's not that you do not get rewards, but it will take a little longer because Mercury is going to go retrograde in Pisces soon and it is the ruler of this full Moon. In addition, what you have done so far probably has generated more doubts than anything else in your life because Mercury is conjunct Neptune in Pisces, making situations too foggy and making you susceptible to criticism.
Capricorn Sun or Ascendant: the full moon in Virgo brings you new learning and also confused thoughts. Until this moment you believed that you discerned reality perfectly, but it turns out that you do not. If you no longer like what you study, it is a good time to change careers. There is a lot to check in your mind, and it's as if suddenly nothing was as solid as before and that makes you angry, but knowing that you have a careful nature, I recommend that you use your intuition and act when you feel it demands it. You need to take action to change your mental paradigm because that will make you more conscious. You are not going to throw yourself into any experience without measuring the consequences, but fear may be holding you back. If you realize that it is fear that stops you from living your life, then you should rethink a few things in your head.
Aquarius Sun or Ascendant: this full Moon removes very deep and dark things inside you, so you have to get that stagnant energy into the light. Your power does not lie in concealing yourself with shame, but in analyzing everything that happens to you minutely and disarming it piece by piece until there is nothing left, that is, in knowing how to express with absolute precision what your feelings are so they can not take over you and make you sick. If you were dealing with a very private problem all this time, you'll pretty much know how things will turn out, but it may still be too early to say it's a finished matter. With Mercury retrograde from March 6th, you may have to review a lot of what you've been doing so far and you may also feel a lot of lethargy around you. Do not worry, it's a momentary deceleration. Pay special attention if you have planets or angles between degrees 23 and 29 of Libra, and 0 ° and 10 ° of Virgo.
Pisces Sun or Ascendant: this full moon falls in your seventhhouse, area of romantic partners and business partners. Maybe some contract comes to an end and you'll have to be very careful with what you sign between now and March 29th, moreover, if you can, do not fix anything official yet, not at least until Mercury is in a better position. On the other hand, the issues with your partner begin to slowly change course, and that depends on the the person's will, if they want it to work or not. You have new ideas and a desire to communicate them thanks to the influence of Mars in Taurus in conjunction with Uranus in Aries, and your partner may seem receptive to this, but what they make out of your proposals is a separate issue on which you have no control. Your best card is to trust and try to influence things in your favor, since even your friends can give you a hand to make this happen. Of course, your job seems to be more exhausting than ever now, but when Mercury goes retrograde, what you do at this moment is going to repeat itself then, so you better prepare yourself.
Siempre la mejorr <3 a ver cuanto te abrís el insta :P
Si me termino de organizar un poquito, hoy me bajo la aplicación, porque tenía una cuenta pero me olvidé la contraseña y creo que me la cerraron xD