Enjoying Breakfast with Diabetes (From ''The Spark Health Diabetes-Fighting Cookbook'')

A healthy diet is important in controlling blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes complications.

Eat a consistent, well-balanced diet that is high in fiber, low in saturated fat, and low in concentrated sweets.

What and how much an individual eats will affect their blood sugar level.

Blood sugar is typically highest one to two hours after a meal.

One way individuals with diabetes can manage their food intake is to keep their blood glucose as close to normal as possible by calculating how many grams of carbohydrates they eat.

Carbohydrates tend to have the greatest effect on blood glucose.

To help control your blood glucose, individuals should know which foods contain carbohydrates, the size of a "serving" of different foods, and how many carbohydrate servings to eat each day.

AVOID: gluten, sugar, white rice, bread/baked goods, fruit juices berries, instant box cereals, tropical fruits, bacon, pork, cow's milk.

ENJOY: beans, baked or poached eggs, nuts and seeds, lentils, cherries, kefir, GF rolled oats, turkey, avocado, whey/green Smoothie, almond milk.

TIP: Studies have shown eating legumes, such as lentils or beans, dramatically approves your ability to control your blood sugar levels throughout the entire day!


RECIPE: Red Lentil Turkey Patties
Yields: 7-8 patties Time: 30 minutes + prep


• Rise and soak your lentils overnight with a pinch of salt, 8-12 hours.
• Place soaked and rinsed lentils in a large pot, add enough water so the lentils are covered the entire time they cook. Bring to a boil then lower heat to medium/ low and allow to simmer until cooked through, about 20 minutes. Add water to pot if need be to keep lentils covered at all times.
• Place 1 tbsp of olive oil in large s sauté pan and sauté carrots and onion until soft and browned, about 15 minutes
• In a food processor, grind your flax and fennel seeds to a soft power. Add minced garlic, sage, salt, pepper, and cooked carrot/onion mix and cooked lentils.
• Pulse processor approximately 20 times to blend ingredients and break the lentils down a bit.
Do not over blend, you want to maintain the different colors and textures of ingredients.
• In a large bowl combine mixture with lean ground turkey.
• Form into patties and place back into the same sauté pan you cooked your onions and carrots with remaining olive oil.
• Cook over medium heat for approximately 3-5 minutes per side, until cooked through and golden brown.

• 2 1/2 cup red lentils, soaked and cooked
• 1 pound lean ground turkey
• 1/3 cup carrot, chopped
• 1/2 red onion, chopped
• 1 1/2 garlic cloves, minced
• 2 tsp flax seed, crushed
• 1 tsp fennel seed, crushed
• 1 tsp fine sea salt
• 1 tbsp fresh sage, chopped fine
• 1 tsp ground pepper


Serve warm with a poached egg on top and a side of fresh baby spinach with an olive oil drizzle sprinkled with salt and pepper. A delicious, fresh start to your day!

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Image Source: https://thefitblog.com/turkey-patties-with-spaghetti-squash/