If there is no control over diabetes then there are many complications, body tissues and instruments are gradually disturbed. However, there are many misconceptions among people about this disease. Likewise, let us know about 7 wrong ideas-
1. Diabetics eat full sweets
No, never. All the sweet can be eaten in controlled quantities. But should not eat more sweets than diabetes is not.2. The doctor says to take insulin that the patient does not follow the rules enough
T2D reduces insulin levels in the blood. As a result, regular medicines may require insulin after one time.3. People with diabetes can never donate blood
Only those who take insulin injections cannot donate blood. If everyone else is in control of blood sugar levels, then you can donate blood.4. If you have diabetes, tattoos can never be done
If the blood sugar levels are in control then there is less chance of infection in the skin if tattooed.5. Due to overweight, type-2 diabetes will occur
Many obese people are also not diabetic. With weight, family history and other issues are also important.6. If the diabetes is caught, then the starch diet must be omitted completely
Starch is one of the most important components of the diet. Therefore, it should never be completely discarded from the diet. Eat fewer amounts.7. Diabetics should always be controlled and should work less
If you follow the rules and if glucose levels are in the control of the blood, diabetics can work harder like others.
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