The point of attending lectures have been lost since I was in my first year and could not hear what the dumb backside and funny dressed lecturer was saying even though I was less that twenty feet away from him. He just seemed to be satisfied with talking to himself and that just passed me off.
I mean why would I wake up at 5:30 am in the middle of the harmattan when the cold is at its prime, take my bath with cold water and leave my room when my neighbours are still nested under their blankets to attend his lecture and I could not hear what he was saying(at least he showed up right?)
Since then, I had thought little of lectures as I have had lecturers come to class to read their handout to me. I even had one who taught calculus without writing anything on the board. I even had one who solved a probability question and got 3 as his answer effed up right?
I just don't get it. Why cant they just give materials and tell us to meet in the exam hall? Why must they take attendance every lecture thereby ensuring that students attend what I have known to the the most boring times of my life. I have once had a classmate who slept on a table during lecture and the guy was actually one of we serious students.
School sucks and it sucks a lot.
The fun part of school to most people is the socials, getting girlfriends and the "thrills associated with it(where the fun is is beyond me). I never liked girlfriends. The thought of answering to someone(a female at that) is annoying scary. I just don't get all that mushy so I don't have one.
Yes I am in my fifth year and I don't have a girl. You might call it sad or call me gay.