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RE: January 17, 1996 - March 15, 1996 (Diaries #5)

in #diary7 years ago

There is something interesting about writing diaries... I was forced to write it when I was very young, probably about the same age when you started yours, but I just found myself documenting the most mundane things because it seemed more like a chore than anything else.

It took someone to give me a 5 year diary and a nice fountain pen for me to pick up the habit again almost 20 years later... But I have found that the mind can be a very tricky customer when it comes to putting down your thoughts and reflecting on what you think you were thinking when you were thinking about what to write down (if that makes any sense at all).

The wonderful thing about these 5 year diaries is you can compare the same day over a number of years and see whether you end up going out and partying every new year's eve... what you did for Valentines Day or your birthdays (I don't celebrate them anymore) and see whether you live in a constant cycle or if it evolves along the way :)

I'd love to know where you keep your diaries and how often you look back at past events and come up with new revelations!