I often complain how tired I'm from being where I live. Tired of the same people; the same environment; the same problems; the same job offers and everything seems so the same. It's been three years since I moved here and my general mood from being incredibly happy and fascinated has changed a lot.
New culture used to give me some hard times and no explanations as if things were obvious enough to understand them myself and I was stubborn and was learning and learning and now I'm there, where I have all possible presuppositions of what might happen and how and even why. This is an interesting thing about living in a different country because you learn it as a mathematical formula and then apply and wow, the result is usually the right one, but there are always exceptions or errors in the system, so it doesn't work in 100%.
The space is big so I am. I used to think of myself as a small particle chaotically moving in the space and following some law of fate that is given you by someone. With the time, I had to learn that it's different. I'm as a big as the space is and I'm a very complicated math formula operating myself, I'm a complex decision-making system. I can hurt myself or kill myself any moment of my life or I can learn something new or meet someone I haven't met; I can go and eat a health salad or eat a juicy burger... and so on. How great it is to feel how powerful you're? That's f*cking awesome.
So, returning back to running. I try to run from my loneliness and unhappiness because I feel I can do better, I don't know how, where and why, but I know I can do so much better and be someone I feel I actually am. But all I figured out was, that it's the place that makes me feel down, frustrated and unsatisfied. I used to focus of the bad things that happen like some didn't say "Hello" to me or didn't smile back and I think "that's the sign! that's it. It's time to give everything up and move. The other place will be better!". what if it isn't? I don't know.
After some small analyse, I've came to realise that it's the small things that I don't pay much attention to, that make me feel bad about my life and myself like: I have debts and don't pay them because I have little money. I have a messy room, but I don't like cleaning and what is it gonna change anyway? I have not much practical skills and wow I need a working experience to learn things but I'm just a student so nobody will take me for a job and many more of these negative thoughts that give you that awkward bad feeling when you wake up and go to sleep, that don't let you focus on things during the day and that don't let you be creative and be yourself because you're always in the problem-solving process trying to solve the problems that you don't even know sometimes but they are stuck in your unconsciousness.
I used to try to forget them and live like they don’t exist, but they’re still here and hunt me every day of my life, so maybe I’ll focus on me, on my organisation, on trying to remember everything I tried to forget and work on it; to learn what makes me feel good and comfortable; what will make me more inspired and satisfied; to learn about my duties and how not to put them in a long waiting list, so I’ll be under pressure again. I’m not blaming myself, I’m learning things that will improve my life and my feeling of it.
It's fine!
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