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RE: Trump, Nationalism and the NWO!

in #diary7 years ago

Speaking of which, it is my guess that with Israel now bombing Syria with their self-justification protocol in place to defend their actions against a sovereign nation.

Syria who launches missiles , flies drones into Israel ' s air space and when Israel response somehow Syria is a sovereign nation and it action no matter what is acceptable . Lets get some facts here .

The UN and all its allies under the umbrella of the US will of course refuse to utter a single gasp of outrage at the incursion by Israel on Syria.

The UN is now friend to the united states or Israel . Syria is guilty as hell and no reasonable person can justify their actions . That's why no great outcry . When facts undermine propaganda is hard to keep the lie going . Do you also support the use of chemical weapons against women and children . Where is the outcry against Syria for that .

I do agree with the lawlessness and madness with Obama and his Presidencies . Libtartes !
Our neighbors to the north are our brother , family

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