in #diet8 years ago

Yes, in about 1 hour I would have completed this mega challenge for me, Dr. Hyman’s 10-Day Sugar Detox Diet. In about one more hour, I will have completed it successfully! These fruits I am SO EAGER to eat tomorrow. Oh my goodness, I am SO VERY MUCH looking forward! Dr. Hyman wants his participants to BARELY have any fruit during the 10-Day Sugar Detox, as fruit is truly a natural sweet/sugar. To partake of too much fruit (natural sweet/sugar) during the Detox, would collide with his purpose of helping us break our sugar craving.

Okay, okay, inquiring minds want to know………….am I going to have a sweet tomorrow? Absolutely. I am not craving any kind of junk food, but I want to test my taste buds after completing this seemingly endless journey. When I ate a strawberry earlier, it definitely had a sweeter taste than I have remembered.

What are some of my take-aways ……..?

Some of Dr. Hyman’s thoughts shared are to make grocery shopping a weekly ritual with planning your meals. This helps you stay on task, and focused. He further shares the importance of planning, and bringing your GOOD SNACKS along with you to work, errands, etc. Exercise is DEFINITELY on his list of things needed to maintain good health.

Oh, before I come to a close for the evening, I am happy to let you know I purchased a tomato plant, and a basil plant today! I don’t know exactly what I am doing, but the plant nursery associate today, let me know if I have further questions, she would be available to help. To be continued on that one. I will keep you informed. :-D


I’ll be back to catch you up with any updates, and new beneficial health benefits, etc……but for a moment, I am going to take a mini-break from writing everyday. I want to thank my sister for traveling this road with me, no matter how uncomfortable it was at times, she finished the race WITH ME! I am thankful for my sister as well, who remained one of my greatest supporters through and through. Now, what do I do? I will remain taking out more “bad” to replace it with “good”. Good Day! :-D


wow.. nice ...

Thank you:)

Are these your personal pics and if so, what kind of camera are you using if don't mind me asking?

Hello! The first and second picture, was made on the Nikon d3100 camera. Digital processing using Adobe Photoshop Ligntroom. The rest of the photos were taken with my phone)

Nice! Thx f0r sharing