Why Eat an Alkaline Diet?

in #diet7 years ago

We are currently talking a lot about the importance of an alkaline diet and avoiding anything that could cause an acidification of our body. It is true that this shows that anyone with an acidic organism has a higher risk of suffering from arteriosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, cancer and Parkinson's disease. It is also associated with liver and kidney problems and diseases related to the digestive tract such as stomach, esophagus and pancreas. It can cause the onset of arthritis, rheumatism, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis earlier than normal and even the most common skin problems such as eczema or fungal infection.
This is because the pH of our liquids, such as blood, and our body is mainly alkaline, i. e. with a pH of 7,35 - 7,45. If these values are below, we can say that we are living within the "symptom-disease" range. The cause of acidification of our body can not only be caused by food, but also by stress and the contribution of toxic substances to our body.

What are the benefits of an alkaline diet?

Apart from preventing all the diseases I've just mentioned, eating an alkaline diet will help us lose weight more easily and will bring us multiple benefits such as:

  • To have a young and luminous complexion: This is due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and restorative substances that help us to eliminate toxins and recover tissues.
  • Improves digestion, prevents acidity and regulates the intestinal flora.
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Gives us more energy

The foods considered most alkaline are vegetables and the vast majority of fruits, so vegetarian diets would be ideal. However, you don't have to be so strict or fall into fashion trends that are standard bearers for the celebrities on duty. Compensating and consuming more alkaline food than acid can be enough, for example, to introduce 70% alkaline food and 30% acids. And you wonder, the fruits should be sour, shouldn't they? No, they are not really acidic, because we consider that a food is alkaline when it does not leave residues after digestion, and this is the case of fruits.

Which foods are acidic and which are alkaline?

Very alkaline or alkalinizing: spinach, lentils, almonds, olive oil, pineapple, lemon, tofu, broccoli, raw tomato, peach.
Low alkaline or alkalinizing: artichoke, strawberries, onion, banana, apple, quinoa, mushrooms, carrot, leek, cherry, orange.
Low acidic or acidifying: eggs, brown rice and pasta, fish, whole wheat bread, soft cheese, chickpeas.
Very acidic or acidifying: alcohol, sugar, sausages, chocolate, honey, sweets, gelatines, flour, beef, refined salt, fruit juices packed.


Unfortunately there is no such thing as acidification of the body. It's a huge myth!! I've written an article about it clearly explaining why: https://steemit.com/diet/@anna.urbanska/acidification-of-the-body-is-it-even-possible