The Diet Progression

in #diet6 years ago

"Oh, you're eating too much fast food? Start grocery shopping more."

"Oh, you're getting too many sweets and sugars? Get more lean meats and cut the sweet tooth with fruits at least"

"Oh, your vibrations are being lowered by the meat because the vibe of the chickens were transferred into the food? Cut the meat, go vegetarian. No, go full vegan."

"Oh, digestion is slowing you down? Do intermittent fasting, and then full-day fasts so your body can detox"

"Drinks and water are low-key poison? Dry fast and then you'll really get those poisons out of ya. The body is a beautiful self-healing machine."

  • two days later

"You lost the feeling of hunger? You're doing it right. The true masters don't eat at all. Consider going breatharian."

"You're losing weight very fast and are borderline anorexic? Don't ever go to the doctor, they'll feed you poison. The real yogi-masters heal purely with their minds."

"You're going insane because you haven't eating or drank in 4 weeks? This is just the next level, the Jedi-masters have been able to teleport multi-dimensionally after this."

"Oh you're dead? You should be fine, Jesus was so clean he resurrected in three days."


)))) We people LOVE going overboard and taking everything to the extremes... or just blindly believing everything as long as it says "program", "spiritual", "self-development", "research has shown", etc.

I think it's a very strong impulse... to follow some program that has been already developed - by scientists, by the ancient Chinese, by celebrities, by Scientologists, by satanists, by Tibetan monks... Fall for that authority of a particular person (or a huge organization) and think - oh, if I only do exactly as they say, I'll be just fine, I'll reach my goals, I'll be better!

Or better yet, "here buy this Shungite stone, which is an ultra rare 3-billion year old rock only found in the mines of Russia, said to be the only known naturally occuring substance with 'fullerines', which take negative energy and suck it into a molecular structure, which you can buy for only $25 at Amazon. You can even put it in your water and it'll totally give you superpowers and not cancer"
hmmm 🤔