Re-sculpt Your Body In 3 Month!

in #diet6 years ago

When it comes to Diet and Exercise there is 1 essential component that most lack, DISCIPLINE!

In less than 3 months I went from 28% body fat (measuring using an at home Caliper), down to 11%. I will remain on the diet and exercise plan until I hit my goal of 9%.
Okay so obviously in the picture in the left I am not flexing, not tan and I have no pump. While on the right I have all of the above going for me, yet ether way you can tell all that really changed from left to right is that I lost significant body-fat, subcutaneous water, and my muscles have a bit more hypertrophy. I know I am not the most impressive specimen and I wanted to wait until I hit my goal of 9% body-fat before posting but as I will not have time to write an article tomorrow this is as close to a 3 month transformation as I can post. That all being said, I would like to share with you all how I achieved this goal. Workout and diet listed below.

Workout Plan 30 minutes a day 6 days a week:

Aside from the Monday-Saturday plan I also train Jiu-Jitsu or MMA or Job 2-3 times a week. If you miss any of the below workouts, make sure to make it up the next day, try not to miss all 6 workouts every week.

Romanian Deadlift:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set.
A. Superset band external rotations 3 sets 12 Reps.
Chin-Up: 2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set
A. Superset Band Face Pulls 3 sets 10 reps.
Bent-Over Lateral:  2 sets of 8 and one 6-8-10 drop set
A. Superset Band, Strait arm pull downs 3 sets 12 Reps.
Wide Barbell Curl:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set.
A. Superset Hanging leg raises 2 sets 10 reps.

Front Squat:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set.
A. Superset Band Pull apart 3 sets 12 reps.
Bench Press:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set.
A. Superset Band reverse flys 3 sets 12 reps.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise:  2 sets of 6 and one 6-8-10 drop set.
A. Superset Band internal rotations 3 sets 12 reps.
Skull Crush:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set.
A. Superset Hanging leg raises 3 sets 10 reps.

Lying Leg Curl:  2 sets of 6 and one mTor activation set
A. Superset Face Pulls 3 sets 12 reps.
Decline Pull Overs:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set
A. Superset Band upright rows 3 sets 12 reps.
Pronated Chest-Supported Row:  2 sets of 8 and one Max mTor activation set.
Close Grip Curl:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set.

Back Squats or Lunges:  2 sets of 6 and one 6-8-10 drop set
A. Superset Band Pull apart 3 sets 12 reps.
Cable Crossover:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set
A. Superset reverse flys 3 sets 12 reps.
Military Press:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set
A. Band I, V, Y 3 sets 10 reps each.
Dips:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set
A. Superset Band tricep pull down 3 sets 12 reps.

Glute Ham Raise:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set
Wide Pull Up:  2 sets of 6 and one all-out heavy double rest/pause set
Bent Rows:  2 sets of 6 and one one all-out heavy double rest/pause set
Hammer Curl:  2 sets of 6 and one 6-8-10 drop set

Back Squats:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum 6-8-10 drop set
A. Superset Band Pull apart 3 sets 12 reps.
Incline Bench Press or Incline Dumbbell Press:  2 sets of 6 and one 6-8-10 drop set
A. Superset reverse flys 3 sets 12 reps.
Dumbbell Front Raise Incline Bench:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum mTor activation set
A. Band I, V, Y 3 sets 10 reps each.
Skull Crush:  2 sets of 6 and one maximum 6-8-10 drop set
A. Superset Hanging leg raises 3 sets 10 reps.
Special techniques explained:

M-Tor activation explained.
Super Set Explained.
Drop Set Explained.
Double Rest Pause Explained. Simply after the last rep of your last set, put the weight down and count to 10 or 15, then try to get 2 more reps, then count to 10 or 15 again and try to get one more.

2 minute rests on Bench, Squat, Deadlift, Military press only. All others will be 1 minute rests. You’re "A" labeled Super-sets are done during your rest, not added to your rest time. Soon as you finish the main lift set the timer for your next set.
Never go super heavy, we are shooting for 6 reps on each set with a weight you can do 7 times.
You should not be working so hard you get too sore to train the next day, except on your 3rd set of each workout, then you only want to be able to do 6. The band work is to prevent injury, do not skip it. Work smarter not harder, never burn yourself out.
This workout plan is based off of an article from T-Nation and built upon. Original article here:


The best diet plan I have come across is the Ultimate Diet 2.0. Here is a link to the book, you might be able to find it for free if you look around online.


If you have the money to spend here is what I recommend for supplements. Everything is pictured in here besides a good multi vitamin which I forgot to include in pic. I will list the supps in order of importance in my opinion.

    1. Whey Protein powder, hands down the most important thing you can put in your body is Whey protein. Protein synthesis is the name of the game, and to achieve this, you need protein.
    1. Creatine Monohydrate, this stuff helps you get more reps and helps you build more muscle, here is an article, there are tons of articles on the stuff.
    1. Branch Chain Amino Acids, (BCAA), if you are on a diet, BCAA's help you from losing muscle mass while losing fat (among other things. An article on BCAAs.
    1. Greens, in the picture I am using "Barleans Greens" I like the flavor and they are good for you. This will ensure that you are getting all your vitamins and minerals from greens while dieting, cheaper then cooking all those greens up every day.
    1. MCT Oil, this is good for sustained energy and helps mobilize suborn fat.
    1. Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium is very important to your health and is not easy to get enough of especially on a diet, Glycinate is the easiest for your body to process. This also will help you pass all of the unused food out of your body as waste, (not so easy on a high protein diet).
    1. Protein bars, you have to make sure they have less than 6 total carbs per whole bar, less is better. Why do you need these? Well if you read the diet book you will see that you need to eat a lot of protein and little carbs a day, this will help you stave off hunger while meeting your numbers in both protein and carbs.
    1. T Booster/DHEA Booster, these are optional. If you are under 30, do not bother at all, if you are over 30, you might want to consider a T and or DHEA Booster to help stay strong and lean.
    1. Diet Pills, this is up to you and not required, but they can help with appetite while also helping burn fat.

Final thoughts:

At the end of the day you can have all of the best. The most efficient and easiest to follow plan. You can have the best trainer, the best gear ever made, but if you do not have DISCIPLINE, you will fail. So what you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror and decide whether or not you really want this. You can not achieve these results if you are going to have an occasional cookie or Pizza, etc. If you want to have success and have it quickly then you must be completely and utterly dedicated. I will tell you the truth, the first few times I tried I failed, it was not until I signed up for my first grappling tournament that I was able to stay disciplined. The motivation of competition was what I needed to get me to stay on track, so I suggest, sign up for a race, or a diet challenge such as Healthy Wage, that lets you bet on your weight loss


I am not a personal trainer or dietitian, this is simply what I do to loose weight and stay fit. Please consult a doctor before starting any diet or workout plan.