Really cool, look forward to seeing the results!
Is it possible to get in that kind of shape (first picture) without any special diet? I really want to get ripped but enjoy pizza, burgers, chips and basically all the stuff that's shit too much to go on any kind of diet.
I hate to say it but no, not without cheating, however there are exceptions to this rule some people are genetic freaks who can eat anything and stay ripped. They are ether genetic lottery winners are they Juice on the down low. I am with you, I love Pizza, chips. cookies etc. However I also like to see my abs for the summer. What I usually do is follow the diet from the beginning of Spring until August 31st. On the carb re-feed days I get in some of the food I like without going over board. Then from September 1st on, I eat more or less what I want but try not to over do it and Usually I continue to work out at least 3 days a week, but this year I did not. If you do this, you will get to eat whatever you want during the winter months I try to bulk so I eat whatever I want and switch to more of a power lifter plan lifting 3 days a week. If you know you have that to look forward to it helps with staying disciplined over the summer months. Besides beach season is when you want to be lean and winter you want to stay warm lol.