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RE: Humans are not herbivores

in #diet7 years ago (edited)

The audios of A New Earth and the Power of Now are both amazing!

Here is our business website - Kaayla had a massive falling out with Sally and managed to halve our sales for a while...

And here is our page about it - it needs updating, we have more info now, but we just don't want to go there again - we were a bit stressed about all this at the time :)

Kaayla is actually very on to it, but in these case it was personal and she was wrong about the cod liver oil - but Sally possibly stood her ground a bit too hard and exacerbated the situation - it was not good...

We don't know what the full story behind all this was, but there was a lot of bad vibes about all this and all the accusations disappeared without trace, so we just ignored it all...


Oh dear... Sally's fella was the touchy-feely type then. Difficult situation for any organisation and within any marriage eek :S

Thanks for that. Very informative. I had no idea about the fermented vs non-fermented oil debate. I just buy cod liver oil capsules online or at the supermarket. Wow, your cod liver oil is expensive. That means mine is deffo crap and probs not doing me any good lol.

Nutra organics golden latte: that sounds wonderful. Does it still have the live bacteria from the manuka honey? That's supposed to be magical stuff innit.

Pretty sure I'm D3 deficient. Bloody English winter!

Do you ship abroad?
